I want to start out by saying that I will disclose if anytime I go off my plan. Today was supposed to be a rest day, but when I got up this morning I was motivated and wanted to go do something – so I added in a 2nd leg day workout.
I am pretty happy with how it turned out and since my last leg day had been on Monday I felt recovered and well rested.
My total workout ended up taking just over an hour.
I can’t express enough how in LOVE I am with this heart rate monitor. As a runner I was used to tracking every workout with my Garmin, and now this allows me to still be able to track my workouts and know where I stand at the end.
To make sure I continue with the trend of awful bathroom pictures – this is my “leg day” picture. I really need to figure out a better way to take these, and with my half tights it was kind of hard to flex to see if I had any definition yet. I know I will get there and it is a slow process but I am more than ready to see some results!
Backing up to last night – Saturday night meant it was time for my cheat meal. I have to say I have been looking forward to this all week and was really excited when it came time. Our college basketball team was playing a big rivalry game last night so we decided to go watch it at Buffalo Wild Wings.
I chose the black bean burger with mild buffalo sauce. It was delicious! Wes and I also split an order a fries. It was 100% worth the 5 days of sticking to my diet. I am proud to say that I have actually stuck to this because most times I end up giving up pretty quickly. I also used to have “cheat weekends” and would binge eat for almost 2 days straight. I am happy to report I only had ONE cheat meal and I will be sticking to clean eating the rest of the weekend.
I would suggest to possibly keep an eye on my twitter or Instagram later tonight – I may have something surprising changing tonight! I am really excited and nervous so keep me in your thoughts! 🙂
Have a wonderful Sunday!