Today’s workout at the gym was tough. There is no easy way around it. Carrie’s plan had me doing around 10-15 minutes of drills and then followed by a few weights. After the drills were done I was exhausted I couldn’t image doing weights, but I pushed through it and even upped my weight on one of the exercises! Woo hoo!
I can slowly tell I am starting to lean out a little bit. The only problem I am having is between the tons of water I drink and the several protein shakes a day I typically am feeling pretty bloated by mid day. It helps when I get to the gym and sweat, but throughout the day I just feel pretty bloated and uncomfortable. Does anyone else have this problem? Any ideas that could help?
I finished my workout in just over 50 minutes.
I followed it up with a protein shake.
I can’t tell you how much these help me. If I didn’t take these after my workouts I am pretty sure I would be limping and groaning in pain the next day. Protein is just as important as making sure you take your supplements!
I am now home relaxing finally. I am happy that this week seems to be going quicker than last, but I’ve been pretty tired from the past 3 days. An early bed time would be perfect tonight, we sill see if that actually happens!
Off to get ready for bed. Goodnight!