About a week ago I was offered an awesome chance to participate in a workout plan created by none other than Carrie from ThisFitChick. She has been one of my inspirations since I started this whole journey to bring weight lifting into my workout routine and to really tone and lean out my body.

I had already started the LiveFit program, but this opportunity was took good to pass up!

I will be starting her 12 week Slim, Strong, and Sexy Program tomorrow! I am really excited for the change and am looking forward to the positive results that I KNOW are going to come from it.

I decided today that I would take some “before” pictures.  I know I already did this about a month ago, but I wanted a realistic starting picture for this plan to be able to track my results.

Before Pictures

These pictures were pretty tough for me to look at for some reason.  Maybe it was because I really should have smiled and not looked like I was taking a mug shot, or the fact that I am “middle of the winter in Erie, PA” pale, but whatever it is it really motivated me to make the changes in my body!

My before measurements are:
Bicep (not flexed): 10 inches
Bicep (flexed): 11 inches
Waste: 25.5 inches
Hips: 31.8 inches
Bust: 32 inches

My goal for this program is NOT to lose weight, but to be STRONG.  Yes, I will need to lean out a bit to be able to look the way I want but I want to make it clear I am not doing this for weight purposes but instead to become the strong and fit woman that I have always desired to be.

I will be taking progress pictures every couple weeks and keeping you all updated on my progress! I hope you will follow along!

Today’s workout was adapted from some of the exercises on ThisFitChick’s blog.  She has come great workouts on there if you are ever in need of something new.

I did a circuit full body weight workout followed by a 30 minute HIIT workout.

3/3/13 Workout

I thought that was pretty good for a day’s work 🙂

I finished up at the gym and headed home. I wanted to make sure I got home in time to get my protein shake in within an hour of my workout.

Classy Bathroom Shot

There’s nothing like a classy at home bathroom shot!

I am off to prep my food for the week. This will be the first time I am really “food prepping” and I am excited because I know this will really help me stay on track with my diet!


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