Today’s Workout – Speed Workout

Total Mileage: 11.05 miles

Total Time: Workout (1:34:01), Warm Up (4:30)

Average Pace: 8:54 min/mile

I woke up this morning early to get to the gym for my workout before heading out for a job interview.

I wasn’t really feeling working out early, but I knew that I would feel great after finishing it.

This is the workout my husband helped me plan out before I went to bed last night.

8 x 400 speed workout

I have done a lot of tempo work lately which is great, but I needed something different to keep things interesting and keep my body guessing!

The items that are in the large font are the actual workout.  The other items are important but the biggest thing is to make sure you are hitting the workout itself.

My paces for this were:
8 x 400 – 6:40 mile/mile
30 minutes on (strides) – 6:31 min/mile 

This workout was tough but really made the time on the treadmill go by SO fast. I have to say looking at the workout before hand a 6:40 minute mile sounded crazy! 

My legs were so tired by the end of the last 400, but I was so happy to have completed it at that pace! You will be surprised what your body can do.

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I jogged a little bit more and ended it with some quick stride work. 

I did have a little bit of a runner’s battle scar. I am not really sure why there is blood on my shoe, I think I had a blood blister that must have torn while I was running.

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My smile turned to kind of sad when I realized this was the last speed workout I’d be doing at my gym for now.

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I am cutting my gym membership since I am currently unemployed. Once I get a job or once winter hits (whichever comes first) I will be adding it back. We have a treadmill at home, so for the time being I will be getting a lot more aquatinted with it.

It was so nice getting my workout done early.  I showered and got ready for my interview at the gym.

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For those of you interested, my job interview went well. I won’t probably hear anything until next week but I am hopeful.  The schedule would be 12:30-8:30, which even though it is late I am a bit happy with it because it would allow me plenty of time each morning to run. I mean priorities right!? 

The only question about the job is the pay that would be offered, but I am keeping my fingers crossed!

What was your workout today?

Do you have any funny job interview stories for me? I need something to make me smile today 🙂

Don’t forget to enter the I Am Funny Shirts Giveaway!! You have until Saturday at noon!!

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
8 x 400 speed workout
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