Today’s Workout – Easy Run 

Total Distance: 11.05 miles

Total Time: 1:48

Average Pace: 9:40 min/pace

Today was all about easy running.  I had to break it because my husband decided last night he wanted to run a local 5k.

He is trying to increase his 5k time, and even though he didn’t run as quickly as he had hoped he did WIN!!

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I ran an easy 4 miles to warm up before the 5k started.

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The 5k started and even though I did for a moment think about running it myself I realized that first and foremost I am a runner’s wife and I wanted more than anything to be there for Wes to support him.

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After the run was over they interviewed him. It’s like I am married to a celebrity!! 🙂 I am one proud wifey today.

We headed to a local park after the race was over to get in some extra miles.

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I ran another 7 miles easy and I am done.  My legs are tired and ready to rest!

It’s Sunday so you know what that means – weekly recap time!

Monday – Tempo Run

0.5 mile warm up, 2 x 3 mile tempo run at 8:00 min pace (MP), 5 minute jog in between each, 3 x 800 at 7:34 min pace, 2 minute jog in between, and a 1.5 mile cool down. I ran another 2 mile cool down with Wes afterwards for a total of 13 miles for the day.

Tuesday – Easy Run

10 miles in the morning easy and slow. I ran another 2 miles in the afternoon just to throw a little extra in for a total of 12 miles for the day.

Wednesday – Speed Work

0.5 mile warm up, 5 x 1 mile repeats (8:30, 8:20, 8:13, 8:05, 7:55), 90 second jog in between, 0.5 mile jog.  Ladder 800 (7:50 pace), 400 (7:21 pace), 200 (7:05 pace), 100 (6:50 pace), and 2.5 mile cool down. Total 11 miles.

Thursday – Easy Run

8.05 in the morning prior to an interview and came home afterwards and ran another 5 for a total of 13 for the day.

Friday – Easy Run

6 easy miles to help my legs recover and get ready for my long run on Saturday.

Saturday – Long Run

14 miles average an 8:59 pace.  This is quickest I have had to date and I felt pretty good!

Sunday – Easy Run

4 miles before Wes’ 5k and then another 7 after for a total of 11 easy recovery miles.

Total Mileage – 81 miles

This weeks joys/successes:

1. Another mileage PR. I cannot believe that my legs were able to run 81 miles this week! Besides two really hard speed workouts the majority was easy running.  I was amazed at how quickly my legs bounced back after each run and I am really excited to see what else I am able to accomplish next week.

2. Watching my husband win his first race. This has nothing to do with MY running but it was so much fun to watch my husband win his first race today.  He has come close so many times and I loved being there to cheer him on! I am one crazy proud wife today!

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This week’s struggles:

1. Hydration. I have been slacking on getting proper hydration this week and as the week progressed it became more and more obvious.  I need to focus on making sure I am hydrating each day throughout the day so that my body can properly recover.

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I have been drinking a LOT of water the past two days and adding electrolytes as well at times.  In the picture above I added a Berry Zym tablet to add electrolytes. It’s great and only 10 calories.  I will have a review up later in the week!

2. Calf tightness. I didn’t talk about it much this week but I have been dealing with a good amount of calf tightness which is causing me to have some shin pain as well.  My goal for this week is to get that under control and step up my stretching routine.  I need to come up with a routine I can use 2-3 times a day that is easy and gets the job done.

Another great week has come to an end! I have no idea what next week has in store for me, but I am excited to take on any challenge!

Again, don’t forget to enter my PRO Compression giveaway! Entries close at 12:00 pm on Friday!

What was something great that happened to you this week?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
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