Today’s Workout – Speed Workout

Total Mileage: 11.10 miles

Total Time: 1:34:14 

Average Pace: 8:29 min/mile

I think the title of this post pretty much says it all, some workouts just don’t “work out.”

I spent most of my morning on the phone and dealing with unemployment again. I didn’t really start thinking about my workout until almost lunch time. Oops!

I was reading some forums and came across a workout I thought I would give a try:

3 x 3 mile repeats at 103% of goal marathon pace. That would mean roughly around a 7:47 min/mile for me.

I decided I would do a 500 meter rest in between each and then a small cool down. Simple enough right?

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I got my Zym water set up and was ready to go on the treadmill.

About halfway through my 2nd 3 mile repeat I realized it wasn’t going to happen. I could barely breathe, my legs were not picking up, and I was dying.

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I’m pretty sure that face accurately describes how I felt.

I finished up the 2nd 3 mile repeat and did some quick reevaluating.  I decided after my 500 meter jog that I would do another 0.5 mlles easy and them attempt 2 miles at goal marathon pace.

I started the 2 miles and my body again wasn’t having it. I stopped after 1 mile at goal marathon pace (8:00 min/mile) and then ran the last mile slow for a total of 11 miles.

The goal for today was to get in the 3 x 3 mile repeats and 12 miles – neither of which happened.

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After a ton of speed workouts over the last month I guess one that I couldn’t complete was bound to happen. I am not sure if I set my goal to high on this one and wasn’t ready or if my body was just off today, but I do know that I will get there and you will see this workout again!

After I finished my body was dead. I decided I would try out my new Ninja blender and make a recovery smoothie.

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I adapted a recipe I found on Vega’s Recipe page.

My Recovery Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen mixed fruit
1/2 banana
1/2 serving of Vega All-In-One Nutritional Shake Berry 
1 cup cold water
1 tablespoon Glutamine (I ended up adding this after the fact)

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I blended it all together and it tasted delicious! What a difference a good blender makes! A++ for the Ninja!

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After I had already blended it I realized I had forgotten to take my normal glutamine recovery drink, so I added my 1 tablespoon in and mixed.

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This was so refreshing and just what my body needed after such a rough workout.

Lesson’s learned today:
1. Not all workouts “work out”
2. Tomorrow is a new day
3. Smoothies are the best

Tell me – have you ever had to cut a workout short because you couldn’t complete it? Please make me feel a little bit better here 🙂 

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
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