If you haven’t already done it, go enter my ENERGYbits Giveaway! You won’t regret it, I promise!

I’m back!

I am happy to be back, but do I have a ton of things to catch up on and get done this week.  It feels a bit overwhelming!

I wil have a full recap of our weekend at the Marine Corps Marathon coming up tomorrow! I haven’t had time to get it all put together for today.

I will say though that I am once again an extremely proud wife!

We got back around 7:00 pm last night and spent most of the night lying on the couch and catching up one work.

I haven’t mentioned it a ton on the blog yet, but we actually are only going to be home for about 5 days before we are back on the road again.

Wes has 5 residency interviews starting on November 5th so we will be all over most of North Carolina and Virginia for two weeks. I am already stressing out!

I have a long checklist to do before then:

1. Figure out what to do with my dog for 2 weeks
2. Try to get as many swimming workouts as I can in
3. Iron and get all of Wes’ suits ready
4. Plan the meals for the week
5. Unpack, wash everything, pack again (for 2 weeks – how do you pack for 2 weeks!?)
6. Schedule a pet sitter for my cats
7. Grocery Shopping (we have nothing in our pantry!)

…and the list goes on and on and on. I am just trying to check one thing off at a time and eventually it will all be done. Right!?


One great thing about coming home is I had some awesome stuff waiting for me.

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CLICK sent me some of their great Espresso Mocha Protein Powder (I have another fun thing coming for you soon fromm CLICK!)



CLIF Bar sent me some awesome running fuel! I can’t wait to be back up and using all this again!

The husband would have loved to have some of these this past weekend!


Finally, about a month ago I won a headband from Headbands of Hope on Presley’s Blog!

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The headband itself is beautiful, but what is even more beautiful is the purpose of this company.

For every headband purchased, one is given to a girl with dance and $1 is donated to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation to fund life-saving childhood cancer research.

All of the headbands on the site are beautiful and wonderfully made and I highly suggest for those ladies looking to buy some new headbands in the future whether for running or every day wear, please go and check out this great cause!


FINALLY, I need YOUR help! The husband and I need a Halloween tradition!

We often aren’t home for halloween due to the marathons, but this year we will finally be here (amazingly enough!)

I want to start a tradition that we can continue to do for years to come and to help us celebrate the holiday, but I really can’t think of anything good.

Tell me, what are some of your personal halloween traditions that you love? Help me out with some ideas!


I’m off to pick up this girl from the boarders, and I am so excited! I can’t wait to see her smiling face!

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
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