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I got back to the gym yesterday for a great workout.

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I love wearing long tights during the fall and winter, even at the gym!

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To test the leg a little bit I started with 20 minutes on the Arc Trainer at a pretty low resistance.

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I did a few lower body weights (that I knew I could do safely) and finished with 50 laps in the pool.

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Great workout overall!


We made it to Friday again! I can hardly believe how quickly these weeks are going by! I needed more time this week to get it all done, but thankfully I have checked off at least half of the two page list I have sitting on my desk!

Almost a month ago exactly I did a Five Things Friday post on my top things I looked forward to in October.

Looking back on them I realize just how great of a month I have had. Aside form the whole no running thing I’d say it has been a great October.

Now that a new month is upon us I decided it was time to look forward to this next month!

Five Things I Look Forward to in November

1. Travel, Travel, Travel

I feel like this will be going on for the next 2 months or so.

I stress about traveling a lot, but at the end of the day we are doing this for an amazing reason.

Traveling not only allows us to spend some great quality time together, but it also gives us a chance to see friends and family we normally go many months without seeing.

It is stressful yes, especially for my husband who will be doing 5 pretty rigorous residency interviews in 2 weeks, but there are many positives to it as well.

2. Thanksgiving

Who doesn’t LOVE Thanksgiving?

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Though our plans are still very much up in the air as to where or what we will be doing, I am still so excited. Even if it ends up just being a low key “just the two of us” Thanksgiving I look forward to the whole process.

The past two years my in-laws have been able to make the trip up to have Thanksgiving with us, but this year unless we go down to North Carolina (which may or may not happen) we will be having a low key Thanksgiving here.

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This picture was from our very first married Thanksgiving two years ago. Wes was carving the turkey.

The past two years have taught me a lot about cooking for Thanksgiving, and even though I have kept it simple I look forward to another year of trying new things!

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Who doesn’t love Pumpkin Pie?!


3. On the Home Stretch of Recovery

As to exactly when I will be running again I don’t know for sure yet, BUT I do know that with each month that goes by it is one day closer to being recovered!

For the majority of November I will continue to focus on cross training.

As we travel I will adjust the best I can, but the main point is to keep active and keep my heart rate UP!



4. Beginning of Our LAST Winter

I should have put this at the top, but I am so excited to have to only make it through ONE MORE WINTER.

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Erie, PA Is not a kind place to live during the winter. Starting sometime in November and going until April we are pretty much covered in snow!

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The snow can be very pretty in December around Christmas time, but then it just gets old!

It is not fun going outside and cleaning off (or digging out) your car before you can go anywhere!

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That would be my car during one of our snow storms last winter. It was a joy. The husband and I had to take turns going out and digging it out.

Knowing that this is hopefully our last winter up here definitely helps!


5. The Countdown to Christmas Begins

Hands down my favorite holiday is Christmas. I love every single thing about it!

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Don’t laugh at my pitiful Christmas tree from a couple years ago. It was the best I could do with what we had! HA

It is always a very special time of family, food, and special memories for me.

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I can’t wait to celebrate again this year!


What are you looking forward to in November?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
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