Even though I know it is Saturday it doesn’t feel like it. This whole traveling thing is really throwing my week off, but I won’t complain!


Yesterday morning we had enough of the gym and decided to take our workout outdoors. I had originally thought about taking a spin class at my parent’s gym but opted to sleep in a little bit longer and head outside.

We went to a local park and I walked (with a few minutes of jogging here and there) while Wes did a 10 mile run.  It was cool but no wind and the sun was shining, much better than Erie!

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It had been so long since I had run or walked outside and it felt great. I was able to relax and just enjoy the beautiful day!


We came back from the gym, showered, and pretty much relaxed most of the afternoon.

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We watched the movie Jobs with my parents and got a little bit of work done.

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I like to take pictures of Wes when he is not aware because he just loves it so much. 

We have one last day in North Carolina before we drive back on Sunday.  We are looking forward to one last night of relaxation for sure. I can’t say I’m excited to get back to the routine, but I am thankful for all the time we have been able to spend here.


As Wes mentioned in his guest post a couple weeks ago and as I’ve mentioned before ever since being diagnosed with a stress fracture I have been researching like crazy on the topic.

I think I know more now than I have ever known, because in my mind you can never have too much knowledge.


Of course, there are varying opinions on lots of things but I thought today I would address some of the common stress fracture myths that are floating around out there.

Common Stress Fracture Myths:

1. You can’t run on a stress fracture. The thing with stress fractures is that most runners have a high pain tolerance. We often will run through pain simply because the more you run the more you are used to aches and pains.  It often takes runners a while to realize that something is wrong and out of the ordinary.  It is important to realize that just because you can run on it DOES NOT mean that it is not a stress fracture.

2. Hard vs. Soft Surfaces.
Even though when I first started this process of coming back from a stress fracture I stuck to soft ground (dirt and grass), there has been no evidence that this actually helps to avoid injury.  Studies have not been able to prove that running on soft surfaces help to avoid injury as opposed to running on pavement or the treadmill.  

3. Stress fractures are caused by running too many miles.
Stress fractures are caused usually by taking things to an extreme. Running too many miles TOO SOON or running too hard too often.  If you build your body up to be a high mileage runner slowly and safely you will most likely be okay. The stress fracture comes form upping your mileage too quickly or running too hard instead of taking the majority of your miles too easy.

4. Complete rest and inactivity are the keys to recovery.
When you first are diagnosed with a stress fracture it is important to rest BUT activity actually helps.  As you walk (if your stress fracture is your leg) you actually help your circulation in your leg and help to get blood to the bone which aids in recovery.  Many people will recommend crutches and keeping weight off your leg. This can help for a short time, but this also puts you at a disadvantage that when you do get off the crutches your leg has to get used to any kind of weight bearing activity.  I wouldn’t recommend going out and walking several miles, but by continuing light activity it allows the blood to better aid the bone and keeps your leg used to pressure to some extent. Please keep in mind if your fracture is serious enough it may require crutches or surgery, this is just from my experience with a slightly less serious stress fracture.


What are you up to this Saturday?

Have you heard any running myths?

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