I hope everyone had a great Monday!

There is something about the start of a new week that is always pretty refreshing.

I was back in the gym today, and I decided to up the workout just a bit more.

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Another interval workout:
5 minutes walking (3.5 mph)
10 minutes running (6.0 mph)

I repeated it for a total of 50 minutes.

My leg did OK but it still makes me very nervous upping the running time. Today will be a cross training day. We will see what I feel like but right now I am leaning towards spinning.

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There is one thing I dislike more than snow during the winter and that is the weeks of NO SUN.

This is what our sky has looked like for over a week and there isn’t a chance of sun until next week. This is why I have to make it a point of staying active and keeping myself busy. The constant cloud cover can really get you down if you aren’t careful.


I spent most of the afternoon catching up some things around the house.

Our tree isn’t drinking the water for some reason, so I had to do a little surgery so that it would start drinking again. Keep your fingers crossed!


Here is a break down of some of my food for the day:

Food For the Day

I am enjoying experimenting with healthy foods! I like to cook them in different ways so that they don’t get old and I have some new go to options.

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I found this in our cabinet and used it on the sweet potatoes. I am sure fresh seasonings are better, but this is great when you are needing a simple and quick seasoning. I’ve used it sweet potatoes, broccoli, and even some green beans.

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I figured might as well get a picture of me somewhere other than the gym. I got busy in the kitchen cooking dinner after Wes left to study.

Seriously someone just make this test be over with! I want my husband back!


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This little girl loves to help me in the kitchen! Really she is just waiting for me to drop any food, and I mean ANY.  


Finally, the reason that most of you are here.

Thank you to all who entered my giveaway for My Personal Favorites Items. 

I’m glad that I can share some of the things that I use every single day with one of you all. 


Without further adieu……..

The winner is:

Kathy Winner


Congrats Kathy! You should have already received an email from me!


What are some of your go to kitchen seasonings?

What is your favorite way to roast or grill vegetables? 

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