I’ve been getting some comments/emails about my workouts and running hiatus, so I decided I would do a post on it simply so I don’t have to write the same things out over and over again.

I don’t know if the confusion is just a difference in opinion (which I welcome when done constructively) or because people are just starting to follow my blog. Either way I thought I’d go through it again so that you can understand.


My running journey has been a crazy one. Instead of going back through it all again on this post, you can read my entire story here.


Fast forward about a month ago and my husband suffered his first running injury in 3+ years. He fell and slipped on ice causing a small fracture in his sacrum.

It was a hard blow for him. He is now about 7 weeks out of Boston and has been looking forward to this race for a long time. Right now we are stll planning on him running it assuming his healing goes as planned.


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The reason for taking off and cross training with Wes was explained here.

Simply put: Wes needed help, encouragement and a workout buddy and I was able to help.  Most of you know that Wes is an incredibly fast runner, but it is more than that. Running is his dream, his passion, his stress reliever and something that brings him joy each and every day.  When you have that stripped away from you suddenly (even if for a short time) it is incredibly hard to swallow.

This hasn’t been an easy time and I really don’t think I can put into words just how devastating this was for him. I went through a very hard time with my injury, and while I love running with a passion and miss it so much when I don’t run – to him it is a whole different level. I knew the one way I could help him is to be there for him, to take his mind off the cross training and support him.


We had big plans for this time after match was over. We used to talk about where we would go, weekends away and just time doing things we never got to do during medical school. Well….life happened

We can’t afford to do those things anymore and now that I am working 3 jobs I honestly am not home very much and when I am it is at very strange hours.

I use my time cross training with Wes as an opportunity to be with him. In all honesty, sometimes our time at the gym is our only time together in the day. This has really been a blessing right now.


Do I want to run? Heck yes I do. It took me a long time to come back from my stress fracture and every day I itch to get lost on a back country road and run. 

Thankfully there is still way too much snow on the ground to be able to do that and I wouldn’t even have the time – so for now at least during I will finish out one more week of cross training.

This is just the right thing and the right time for me to do it. I wouldn’t ever see him right now if I didn’t and we both really are enjoying the time we normally don’t get. Even if some don’t understand it, that’s OK. This is what is best for my husband and our relationship.


Now on to the next question or comment in regards to my training each day.

I right now am averaging about 1.5 hours of cross training 5 days per week. I don’t think that is so crazy, but to some I can understand it may look that way.

I still use one day a week as a “long” day (as I used to with my long runs on Saturday) but it varies on what day of the week that is depending on my work schedule. Some days I fit it in on Saturday and other times like this week I have to do it on Monday. 


We spun for a while, but that seemed to irritate Wes’ sacrum so now we primarily stick to pool running.  During the 1.5 hours or so we pool run 95% of the time we run and talk. This means we aren’t going hard or at a high intensity.  We are just keeping our heart rates up and enjoying the time.

The one thing I do enjoy about this is that it keeps my heart rate up for an extended period of time, and I hope that in a week or so when I am running again that this helps in my slow progression back up.


I am firm believer that everyone trains differently. I rarely tell someone they are training wrong, because most of the time people know what works for them. To some 1.5 hours of cross training is too much while there are others I have seen that do way more than that.  Most of the time Wes ends up doing even more than I do. I usually break off after an hour and a half and he continues on his own.

He knows what works for him and I am learning what works for me.  I completely understand if you don’t “get” what I am doing. You don’t have to. I am happy where I am and am enjoying this extra time I get with my husband.

In 3-4 months Wes will begin his intern year of his medical residency. This means crazy hours and very little time together. I want to soak up every moment we can get in these last few months. After the past 3.5 years I think we deserve that.


Running will begin to resume next week. Even though I won’t jump from pool running straight to running I will slowly incorporate running back in and probably pool run as well but less in order to get my body used to running.

As I feel my body is ready I will work my way up until I am where I need to be to start training.

Wes attempted a 50 yard run on grass today after we left the gym and it went well. There was no pain so that is a positive sign. If all keeps going as it is he will run again on Monday (not very far but he will run).

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I have been using this time to strengthen my body and I am already researching different kinds of training plans to start working towards my marathon training goals. I am excited to start this new journey and become the runner I’ve always wanted to be.

Training Plans

I’ve started reading multiple training plans, experiences and views and I am trying to decide what the best route to go is. I would love to hear from you all on your favorite training plans – OR if you are like me and often just make up your own!


I do appreciate each and every one of you. Those who understand and those who don’t.  I value your opinions so please don’t stop giving them.


Tell me what is your favorite running training program?

Do you use a program or do you just do what your body feels?

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