I still have not heard from the winner of the Apera Sprint Pack! Check to see if it was you here. She has until 11:59 PM EST tonight to get back to me, or I will draw another winner in Monday’s post.
The winner of the Caramel Nut Blast Balance Bar Giveaway is Kelcy M.! Congrats Kelcy! Email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get your bars on the way!
Oh Sunday, you are going to be my favorite day all week. I feel so exhausted and I think this sickness I’ve been dealing with has something to do with it.
I’ve been working every day for almost 2 weeks and today I have the entire day off. I don’t know what I am going to do with myself. Oh yes I do – catch up on the blog, clean the house, do lots of laundry and hang out with Wes. Not sure that is really a “day off” but I’ll take it!
Before I get into sharing some fun links I’ve read this week, here is my weekly recap:
Monday (3/17)
Running: 5 miles
Strength Training: 25 minutes
Tuesday (3/18)
Running: 4 miles
Wednesday (3/19)
Running: 5 miles
I got to try out some new Skora Running Shoes. Full review coming later!
Strength Training: 25 minutes
Thursday (3/20)
Running: 3 miles
Friday (3/21)
Rest day
Saturday (3/22)
Rest day
Sunday (3/23)
Not sure what is in store for today yet. It will depend how I feel. I am leaving it open for now.
Overall a pretty good week. I’m happy with my progression thus far. My body (aside from Tuesday) felt good and I am already noticing a difference from incorporating strength training in during the week. Seriously, just do it. Trust me.
I thought I’d share a few fun/debatable/interesting articles that I’ve read this week with you.
1. This sweet article a father wrote to his son about marriage.
I really love this post that I found on Facebook earlier this week.
“But if you commit yourself to marriage, you commit yourself to the long, painful, joyous work of dismantling your ego-walls for good. Then, the moment can last a lifetime.”
It took me a few minutes after reading it to sink in, but it’s very true. To truly work together in a marriage we all have to break down the walls of our own ego to be able to work together with our partner.
Interesting and powerful thoughts.
2. Interesting article on a blood test that can predict Alzheimers.
I got a little excited when I saw this article pop up on my phone. I’ve witnessed the terrible effects of Alzheimers first hand with my grandmother and one of my mom’s best friends (she is only 50).
The study is showing that they are able to test the levels of 10 fats in the body and predict with 90% accuracy Alzheimer’s coming on in the next 3 years. They are just now beginning to test in clinical trials.
Many doctors believe that drug trials are failing because patients are not being treated early enough. That is why this would be a big step forward in treating dementia.
3. Planet Fitness tells a woman to cover up because she was intimidating members.
This article has been blowing up all over the place.
If you haven’t heard Planet Fitness told a women she needed to cover up because she was intimidating members. Planet Fitness has already gotten some grief for offering pizza and bagels to their members and for some of their “judgement free zone” tactics.
The gym we belong too will not allow anyone to workout without a shirt. That means women can’t wear mid-drift baring tops or sports bras. I don’t have a problem with it because I wouldn’t ever do that in the gym, and because it is stated in the rules.
However, if Planet Fitness is a “judgement free zone” shouldn’t this lady be able to wear what she wants without judgement?
4. FDA officially defines “gluten free” for food labeling.
The FDA has finally determined what officially defines “gluten free” for food labeling. I was a little surprised to find out they hadn’t done this already.
One thing I found interest: A food is considered “gluten free” if it does not contain an unavoidable presence of gluten in the food in amounts of 20 ppm or greater. They stated that research has found that individuals with celiac disease can tolerate this amount of gluten without side effects.
If it HAS gluten then how it is “gluten free”?
5. The billion dollar bracket dream is over.
I am sure by now you all have heard that Warren Buffet was offering 1 Billion dollars to whoever could select a perfect bracket in the NCAA tournament. Well, it’s official: no one will be winning.
It only took a total of 25 games for every single person participating to be eliminated.
I would have been out as soon as Mercer beat Duke. They don’t call it March Madness for nothing.
Sadly, our team NC State completely gave their game away Thursday night. Oh well.
How did your training go this week?
Any opinions on the articles above?
What would YOU do with 1 Billion dollars?
OH my, I think you’re spot on w/ the Planet Fitness article… they’re judging her! I read about that earlier this week and thought the same thing. I kicked off my duathlon training this week so lots of spinning and running, it all went well though I’m a tad sore today – guess that’s a good thing!
Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that! Good luck on your training – soreness definitely isn’t a bad thing
Lol I should’ve submitted a bracket. What I would do with a billion dollars… Haha want COULDNT I do. Definitely gonna travel a lot, buy fancy bikes, live in a mansion with a super super nice kitchen
lol priorities
I know right!? I think you have a better chance of getting struck by lightening 10 times then winning that, BUT It would be amazing! I think travel would be the first on my list too!
You know, if it’s too much trouble to draw, you are more than welcome to just….give the bag to me. I’d be willing to help you out
Hahaha how gracious of you Cheri
Still haven’t heard from the winner, so if I don’t I will have rafflecopter generate a new winner tomorrow! Maybe you will get the “luck of the draw” 
The Gluten Free definition doesn’t surprise me. It was the same with Trans Fats. An item could be labeled as “Trans Fat Free” if it had less than .5 g per serving. Look at the serving size and it was 1 cracker or chip. Who eats that?? All these people are thinking they are avoiding Trans Fats by consuming this product when in reality they could be eating a ton of it!!!!!!! So annoying
Wow had never thought of that!! That is crazy!!
I saw that Planet Fitness article everywhere also. If they think she is intimidating, do they not realize how much society and media shows “fit and toned” bodies all the time? I say good for anyone who is working to take care of themselves regardless of what stage they are at. The Alzheimers really scares me and makes me sad. Both sides of my family have it {mother and father side} I have already lost a grandmother and greatgrandmother from it. Another one has been suffering from it for years. We can only hope for some kind of relief from this. I am 3 years away from 50 and when I read your comment about your friends mom, that really it home.
Yes We have had Alzheimers on both sides of our family. It’s a horrible disease. Hopefully we are making strides in the right direction and can catch it earlier to make a difference!
That’s a strange story about the gym. Maybe it is a bad picture of her but she doesn’t look intimidating to me. Maybe they just have a rule you have to wear a shirt? In my gym people wear everything from booty shorts to jeans! Nobody really pays attention.
I’ve seen the article about Alzheimer’s. I appreciate you including it on your blog as it is really interesting but I also caution that its only for those 3 years out. As someone who has a parent with Alz (diagnosed at just 55 years old) I want everyone who reads these articles to be clear on that. I know you explained that but it just nettles me a bit that many news outlets act like its a major breakthrough. As someone who has a pretty good chance at inheriting the genetic early onset dementia I just got my hopes up when I saw it only to be dashed when really looking into it, I’m only 25 so that test does little to assuage my fears or confirm them. Sorry to be a downer!
Oh Maddy I am so sorry to hear how much this terrible disease has affected your family. My mother’s best friend just got diagnosed as well not long ago in her 50’s and my grandmother had this for many years. It is so hard. Yes, I did realize that this only works for very early detection but was at least encouraged to see that SOMETHING might help those in the future. I hope that there will be some more advancement in the future to help others!