I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day with family and friends! We had a pretty good day over here. Wes was still dealing with pain from his kidney stone, so it was a little bit slower start to the morning.

OK by me I had plenty I needed to get done anyways.


We headed to the track around 11:00 am to start our workouts.

I started with a 2 mile warm up and could tell right away it was going to be a pretty tough workout. It was about 85 degrees at the start and it’s always a few degrees hotter on the track that what my car says.

The workout today was 5 x 1000 with 400 meter recovery in between each.

I started off a little too quickly, especially with the increased heat. I messed up the watch on the first 1000 meters so I don’t have an time for that but the other four looked something like this: 4:40, 4:42, 4:48, 4:49.


I don’t know if it was the heat but I completely forgot to take any pictures of my times. Oh well!

I was pretty worn out after the 5th one. I took a little bit too cool off and drink some water before finishing it up with a 2 mile cool down.

Track Shoes

I sure started this week off with a bang in terms of running.


We spent most of the day relaxing and packing. I have stacks of boxes throughout the house that I need to make somewhat presentable before people come for the weekend.


We also started going through a bunch of stuff and figuring out what we would keep and what we needed to get rid of.

Light Reading

Anyone want some light reading?


In other news…

Michael challenged me yesterday to talk about the positives of living in Erie. Sure, for the most part you will find that both of us are pretty negative about Erie. Besides the weather it seems like the past 4 years have just brought us one bad situation after another.


I finally decided I would take the challenge and try to focus on the positive of the past 4 years.


We have made some great friends while we were here and it will be hard to say goodbye. Running has brought us closer to many people and they have been there for us throughout the whole 4 years. Even though it will be hard to part ways, I know that we will meet some more great people where we are going!


Snow Driving Skills

Even though I hate the snow, I have to say I am much more comfortable driving in it. I remember living in North Carolina and being terrified to drive every time it snowed. Now it is more of a nuisance than anything else. Hey, it’s a positive!


Beautiful Wine Vineyards/Country Back Roads

Wes and I have found some beautiful areas to run in while living in Erie. We are VERY close to the New York state line where there are some beautiful wine vineyards. Some of our favorite places to run are out there. Beautiful country roads, very few cars, and the feeling that you could run for hours. I will miss them.



I have grown a lot since we moved here. It hasn’t been easy, but if you knew me 4 years ago you would have never thought I would be capable of moving 10 hours away from everything I knew.  Love makes us do crazy things, and even though it has been challenging it has made me stronger!



If you have ever lived near a Wegmans you will understand. It is one of the best grocery stores we have ever lived near and they have everything you can imagine. We will miss it!


Have you ever lived somewhere you didn’t like?

What did you do for Memorial Day?.

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