Today officially begins my training journey. Taking last week easy was exactly what my body needed. It was pretty worn out after 10 weeks of pretty hard speed training to get me ready.

As you know from my weekly recap, I originally had 7 miles on the schedule for Sunday morning. I had every intention to get up first thing and tackle it, however it didn’t end up happening.

Saturday night I was pretty exhausted. It was a good exhaustion from a weekend full of fun and family, but nonetheless I needed a long and good night of sleep.  I woke up on Sunday morning still very tired, but feeling better. I just wasn’t feeling up for a run.

Instead of fighting it I just went with it and took a 2nd day off. That hasn’t happened in quite some time, and I am OK with it.


If I’ve learned anything from my crazy running journey is it is OK to listen to your body and rest. The fact that tomorrow starts my marathon training was even more of a reason to give myself a break.

Zoe Playing

I spent the last few hours at the beach out on the dock, reading and relaxing. Soaking in the sun and getting ready for the week ahead. There is so much going on in our lives right now it’s a bit overwhelming but exciting. I hope to share some if with you in the very near future but still a few things to finalize.


It seemed to take forever for my Amazon order to come in for my Hanson’s Marathon Method. I am starting the plan TOMORROW and just got the book when we got back home Sunday. I was a little bit disappointed because I had hoped to read it this weekend, but I am working to cram as much of it as I can tonight before heading to bed.

Training Plan

I will get a whole post up on the exact training and paces I am doing this week. I have a bit more work and research to put into it, but I am so excited to get this started!

Today begins my journey to my marathon! I have high goals, high hopes but most of all I am excited because I know that this time I am going to do this right. Whether I BQ or not I know that I will be the strongest I have ever been going into this marathon.


Today I choose to believe. I choose to believe in what seems impossible.

I am going to keep this short and sweet tonight because I have a lot to get done. Thanks for your patience with me this last weekend, I really enjoyed soaking in every minute with family!


Who else is marathon training? When is your marathon?

How often do you strength train each week?

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