Rest days are always tricky for me. I really feel like 90% of the time I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ve been very busy this past week getting caught up on a lot of things and trying to get ahead all at the same time. Not sure if that is possible?

I have noticed though on rest days I am so much LESS productive! I had big plans Friday morning to get the house clean and then get caught up on a few things. Well….I mopped part of the kitchen/living room if that counts as “getting the house clean.” I got a small amount of work done but still ended up spending most of Friday night on my computer. Not what I had imagined.

I did get a couple errands run and finally spent an hour at the DMV to get my new license. Not a completely unproductive day I guess.


Piper is starting to slowly get the lay of the land around here. She is super spunky and has absolutely no fear. It is great, but unfortunately our dog isn’t such a fan. We are having to have short introduction sessions before separating again. Hopefully in time they will at least learn to tolerate each other.


It is really hard to get a picture of this little girl because she moves around so quickly.

Speaking of Zoe, we spent part of our evening last night signing her up for training classes. When we first got her we didn’t know the slightest thing about training a dog. While she isn’t the worst behaved dogs, and definitely has her good days, lately she has stopped listening to most of commands.

This started before Piper came along so I don’t think it has to do with her. Maybe it is the move, I don’t know but hopefully the both of us will benefit from these training sessions.

Dog Obedience Classes

Continuing with the completely randomness of this post, my awesome husband got me some new shorts that came in Friday.


I have been on the look out for some light weight race day shorts, and when he found a pair on Running Wearhouse for me he ordered them. I plan to wear them this morning on my long run, but they felt awesome when I tried them on yesterday afternoon. I am hoping they will be perfect to wear for races.


As you are reading this I am probably finishing up my long run and my second job as wife support. Since my husband is off I am getting up early to get in my 10 miles and then playing water girl for his 15 mile run.

It will probably work in my favor since later today it is supposed to be a high of 97! Ouch!


What run do you have on the schedule today?

Has anyone done training classes for their dog? Did they help>

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
Dog Obedience Classes