Today is going to be a good day. I have a few exciting things (hopefully) happening, so keep your fingers crossed for me! More to come on that in the near future!


Tuesday was my first workout day of the week. I am still doing workouts this week, but instead of giving all out effort on a lot of them I tone them back.

I decided on a 3 x 1 mile repeat workout. It was actually really simple:

1 mile warm up
3 x 1 mile repeats
800 meter recovery
1 mile cool down

My time goal for the repeats was around a 7:50 pace.  This will roughly be my goal pace for a BQ.

My other focus was to make sure the workout didn’t go over 6 miles. I am trying really hard to hold myself accountable to the shorter runs I have scheduled. I will still do 2 workout this week but they won’t exceed 6 miles.

It was HOT. I think today is supposed to be the hottest day of the week (97 degrees). I am leaning very heavily towards running on the treadmill. We will see what happens.


Thursday we are packing up and heading for a mini-vacation to the beach for the long weekend. We are blessed with a few more days of freedom so we are making sure to take advantage of every one of them.


Every time I go into a vacation (or even just a weekend away) I am always very aware of what my training schedule is going to look like.

There are a few keys I have come up with in regards to training while on vacation. No matter the time you are away, I have found that it is important to create a game plan before you leave. This avoids any questions or frustration once you are there.

There are two main ways I approach it:

1. No workouts.

There are vacations where I choose to completely rest from workouts. I’ll be honest and say these haven’t happened in quite a while, but they do. In fact during our honeymoon a few years ago I only ran 2 times, but going in I had full intention of taking the entire time off.


There is nothing wrong with this and sometimes it is just what your body needs.


2. Planning Your Workouts In

If you are on a training schedule or don’t like taking breaks sometimes it is necessary to plan your workouts in. I try to stick to a few guidelines when choosing to run/workout on vacation:

  • Get up early – I always try to get my runs in first thing. This started mostly because 9 times out of 10 we head to somewhere warm and it avoids running in the crazy heat.
  • Don’t Interrupt Others- One of the things I am very conscious about during vacation is that my running doesn’t interfere with other people’s schedules. If we have plans then I make sure my run is done before hand. Running on vacation is my choice, so I don’t want to make others wait on me due to it.
  • Involve Family/Friends – if there is a way to involve others in my vacation runs I definitely do. Sometimes I will change around my schedule to run with others, or  invite them to come with me. It’s always better when you have a running partner anyways!
  • Be Ready to Adapt – Just like with like in general, I am always able to adapt when need be. Sure, training is important but if I can only get in 6 miles on a day that calls for 8 then that is OK. It’s not the end of the world.
  • Relax – I try to limit the amount of actual workouts I do during vacation because it allows me to relax more. Easy running allows me to explore and enjoy my new surroundings. Plus, vacation is about relaxing not stressing.


My game plan for my upcoming mini-vacation is to run 2 out of the 3 days we are there. One semi-long run and one shorter run. I am lucky because pretty much all of my husband’s family are runners so they understand.

I am happy however that my step back week falls in line with the vacation. I plan to soak up every last minute!


Do you run on your vacations?

How do you plan your runs in if you do?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart