Why hello Friday! I am so very glad you decided to come back again. This week has been a bit crazy at work since we’ve had a few people out on our team, but thankfully that meant the days flew by!

In the craziness of the week, I’ve run out of good blogging ideas and since I am a little tired of the Five Things Friday I decided to do something a little different to end the work week.

I’ve seen this survey floating around blogs for a while, so lets give it a try!


Current Excitement

Wes and I officially started planning our vacation in May. It’s been over 2 years since we’ve been able to take one just the two of us, and it is greatly needed!

Just talking about some of our plans makes me so excited! We are budgeted some, but like we always say as long as we are away and with each other it will be perfect!


Oh, and I am really looking forward to watching my hubs at the Boston marathon in a little less than a month! We always have so much fun going to Boston and I know Wes has worked really hard for this, so I can’t wait to be there cheering him on and enjoying the town together! Plus, we get to see some old friends!

It is even more exciting that I will be there as well in 2016!!


Current Blessing

I hope I don’t jinx myself with this one, but this is offically the longest I have gone injury free! That’s pretty awesome.

Learning to listen to my body, fuel it properly and take the necessary steps to stay healthy has really paid off. I know as runners we can never take our health for granted, it can change so quickly, so I am so blessed to be a healthy and much stronger runner!


Current Need

I am in desperate need of a hair cut! The last time I had mine cut was in November right before I started my new job.


Thankfully I finally got an appointment put on my schedule for next week!


Current Music

I’ve posted this song before on one of my lists, but the past two weekends it has really helped to get me moving during my long runs!

Overcomer – Mandisa


Current Favorite Show

We canceled our cable a few years ago, but I sitll do enjoy watching Netflix or Hulu every once in while. The only shows I’ve kept up recently with are Heart of Dixie and Scandal.

NCAA Middle Tennessee Basketball


I am more excited about the NCAA Tournament! Our team made the tournament (North Carolina State), but not so sure how well they will do. Some games we show up and some games we forget how to play basketball. We will see! There is always so much surprise in the tournament!


Current Guilty Pleasure

Easter time means two of my favorite guilty pleasures come out in stores:

Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Eggs



Sweetarts Jelly Beans



Yes, I have been enjoying both of these recently!


Current Photo

This is a photo of how part of my morning goes every single day.


After my run I get on the floor to stretch and do some core exercises. Every single morning I have at least 1-2 cats that want to lay on top of me and a dog that gets jealous because the cats are too close.

It’s a never ending battle!


I’ll leave you with this awsome quote I found. Powerful words!


What’s your…

Current music?

Current guilty pleasure?

Current show?

Current blessing? 

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