I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve filled you all in on really what’s going on with me. Of course, I pop in here to share my training every week but there is a lot more that goes into my week than just getting out the door and running, right?

The primary focus of this blog has always been running, but sometimes I like to make it a little more personal and share other things in my life. So, here is what has been going on lately.


My Husband’s Boston Marathon training has been going really well. Seriously, he must have gotten all the luck! He’s got pretty big goals (which I’ll be sure to tell once he doesn’t think I’ll jinx him) and I am so excited to watch him crush it! Seriously, he amazes me. I don’t know how he does it but it is so inspiring to watch him work so hard day in and day out towards his dreams.

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I hit another hiccup in my Boston training. You may remember I got sick about 2 weeks ago. It hit me really hard and I even cut a long due to a fever. After about a week I was still having a very serious cough. Last Saturday, every time I would cough I felt like someone was stabbing me in the side. I had no idea what was going on but just kept going. I ran my 16 miles on the treadmill on Saturday, with some definite pain, but nothing that was unmanageable.

Fast forward to the doctor, we realized I actually have a small rib fracture due to the excess coughing for an ongoing amount of time. Say what!? I didn’t know that was possible, but it evidentially is fairly common. I was given the OK to continue running, but I need to watch it and be careful. Sunday’s run didn’t happen and I stuck to the treadmill on Monday and Tuesday which seems to make it feel better. I had a chat with my coach, and for now there are no workouts. I run everything pretty easy, and what was an 18 miler set for this coming weekend has now been backed down to 12. It’s feeling better, but I’d rather take things a little more cautious for the next couple weeks. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.

Photo Feb 15, 10 24 17 AM



I’ve been really trying to focus on slowing down and letting to lately. I’ve always struggled with stress. There have been times where it has completely taken over my life, but I am working to learn to manage it. Running helps a lot but sometimes you just have to focus on the important things in life and let other things go. That’s a big goal of mine for 2016.


I’m sure most of you already watched the Olympic Marathon Trials, but it was pretty amazing! There was so much raw emotion and excitement. We went out to lunch and asked one of the TV’s to be changed so that we could watch the finish. How amazing! It was so amazing to see my husband’s eyes light up as he watched it. I truly believe without a shadow of a doubt he will be there in 2020 and I cannot wait to cheer him on!


I’ve decided I really need to switch things up when it comes to my training, fitness, and diet. Not with running, having a coach has done wonders for me, but with other things. I need to add in some cross training and even more weight training, but I don’t want to tire myself out to the point of exhaustion. My body doesn’t seem to be responding to the same foods anymore so I really need to begin experimenting.  I would love to hear from you all! What forms of cross training/weight training do you do on top of marathon training?


I’m excited to celebrate both my parent’s birthdays this weekend! We are heading down Saturday afternoon and it seems like it’s been forever since I’ve been able to see my family so I’m excited.


I guess that about sums up my life right now, I know so exciting.


What is something going on with you?

What forms of cross training/weight training do you do on top of marathon training?

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