Today we leave for Chicago! To be honest, I feel a bit jealous of my husband and all the other amazing runners heading out there to race on Sunday. I miss racing, I miss speed, I miss tempos, but I know that my body is in no shape to attempt a marathon. I have to say it has pumped me up and motivated me even more for post baby running and fitness.

All in due time. Right?

I won’t be posting on here every day, but make sure to follow me on Instagram and SnapChat (RunningWife) and I’ll try to keep it updated as much as possible!

If you’ve never run the Chicago Marathon I have to say it is an experience like none other! It has always been a favorite of mine and outside of the Kiawah Marathon where I got my first BQ, it’s the only marathon I’ve run.

We’ve had a lot of memories in Chicago over the years and spent lots of hot summer months training to get there. I’ve ran the marathon 3 times and this will be my second time spectating. This time it is due to pregnancy, and the prior time due to a femoral stress fracture. I think this year is a much better reason to spectate!


This picture was from my very first Chicago Marathon (and first marathon ever).

You can check out some of my previous posts about Chicago here and here.


Why do I love the Chicago Marathon so much?

Flat Course

If you are looking for a great course to set a new PR on, Chicago is a great one! I was able to set a 3 minute PR last year there. While it wasn’t as good as I wanted to do, the course definitely played a large part in that!



There are a very few hills throughout the course (except at the end) which makes it a faster course overall. My husband has also had really great success so far on the course.


Beautiful City

If you’ve never been to Chicago, it’s a beautiful city! I’m usually not a fan of the busier cities (just not my cup of tea) but there is something about Chicago that is just really wonderful to run through and to visit. You see so much beauty along the run that makes the course even more enjoyable!


Once the marathon is over, it’s even more fun to go out and explore the city! From someone who lives in a smaller town I love all the great food options!


Crowds and Volunteers

The crowds are like no other in Chicago! I don’t think you go through any part of the course without people there cheering you on. When the going gets tough and the pain sets in, this is a wonderful thing to have!


The support from the crowds and the volunteers throughout the course is absolutely amazing and really helps to make the race as wonderful as it is.


Chicago Expo

I’m not usually a huge fan of the expos, but Chicago has a great one if you enjoy it! We love to go early and walk through and see all the different vendors and products! You could spend hours in there, in fact we usually do! It’s a great way to take your mind off the upcoming race and enjoy the time there.

They also have a lot of great speakers and information, which is especially fun if this is your first marathon or first Chicago!


Well Organized

Each year that I’ve ran the marathon I have been extremely impressed with how well organized it is. These type of marathons can be really big and often if you are by yourself it can feel overwhelming; however, I can assure you due to the well thought out organization it allows you to be able to get where you need to be easily. It also is easy to find family and friends afterwards, even if you are in the masses of crowds like me!


Chicago holds a special place in my heart, but if you have never run it before I highly suggest putting it on your bucket list! It’s also a great first time marathon because the crowd support is truly amazing!

Good luck to all those running this weekend!


What is your all-time favorite race?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart