This post is sponsored by on behalf of Healthy Choice.

I’m a routine kind of girl. I follow the same routine most every day and the big reason for that is that it keeps me accountable. That’s not to say that I can’t switch it up every now and again – because sometimes that’s how you keep things interesting!
When I was given the opportunity to try out Healthy Choice‘s morning bowls and vegan/vegetarian bowls I was intrigued! They looked (and yes tasted) delicious but how would they fuel my body for all that it needs to do over the course of the day?
Before we get into that – let’s take a little peek into a little more about the Healthy Choice company and how it was founded:
- In 1985, the CEO, Mike Harper suffered a heart attack and began searching for healthier diet alternatives.
- He created the Healthy Choice brand to give individuals a healthy frozen food option.
- Healthy Choice has had one goal: to give people a healthy option that’s as delicious as it is easy to prepare.
I was given the opportunity to try out two of their new additions:
- Healthy Choice Power Bowls Morning: Roasted Red Pepper & Egg White Shakshuka
- Healthy Choice Power Bowls: Falafel & Tahini
At first I was a little hesitant because it isn’t very often that I use frozen meals in my meal plan but these did sound pretty delicious!
First up, the Roasted Red Pepper & Egg White Shakshuka!

The description for this meal is “egg whites with red bell peppers, onions,
chard, kale & spinach served on top of steel cut oats, farro, buckwheat and red quinoa with a spicy tomato & red pepper sauce topped with feta cheese.”
The Roasted Red Pepper & Egg White is a morning vegetarian power bowl. It has all the key ingredients to help start your morning off on the right foot! I loved the heartiness and ingredients in the bowl and thought it did a great job of filling me up and keep me filled throughout the morning!
I would definitly recommend this as a delicious quick and healthy morning breakfast!
The second I tried was the Falafel & Tahini.

This one is described as “falafel with red onions, tomatoes, chard, kale and spinach served on top of brown & red rice, red quinoa and black barley with a sesame tahini sauce.”
This bowl is both vegan and vegetarian and was surprisingly also very tasty. When I say surprisingly, I mean that I was most skeptical about this one because it’s nothing something I personally would eat. I love to step out of my normal comfort zone when it comes to food from time to time so this was a great addition and I loved eating this as a quick lunch after my run and strength session that morning.

The Healthy Choice Power Bowls were delicious and a great addition to my diet! I would recommend both of these for flavor and nutrition!