Oh hey! Long time no “talk.”
Yes, I’m still here! If you don’t already you can get more of my day to day (or as often as I can) updates on my Instagram.
The truth is, having our second sweet boy has pretty much thrown my life in a spin. I wouldn’t trade it for the world but I will be honest and say that going from 1 child to 2 has been a much bigger adjustment for myself and my family than having our first child.

As many of you may know, Rylan had colic for roughly the first 12 weeks of his life. That means lots of screaming and crying for really no apparent reason. This made it extremely difficult to parent my toddler and left me feeling pretty defeated overall.
The good news is that we are on the other side of that now and he has become the happiest baby! A lot of people tell me I will miss those early days but in this case I am happy we are past the first 12 weeks. Those were some dark days at times.

We also lost our sweet and precious Zoe girl in June after Rylan was just over a month old. We didn’t expect it and truly thought we had longer with our beautiful girl, but God had other plans. We miss her like crazy every day!

Another thing I’ve been dealing with is postpartum anxiety. It hit me pretty hard during the first month but then seemed to settle some. Then in the over the past couple months it hit me again. I have great days and then pretty bad days. I’ve had to learn how to give myself a lot of grace when these days hit and accept help. It’s been very different then my experience postpartum with Easton but I’m just taking this journey a day at a time.

Onto happier things – our sweet Rylan just turned 8 months old! It’s hard to believe it some days. We started working with a sleep coach around 4 months to help get Rylan sleeping better sooner than Easton did because we quickly found that the more exhausted I was the higher my anxiety. We were able to get him sleeping MUCH better by 4.5 months and even sleeping through the night at times!
If you are looking or are interested in a sleep coach check out Cara Walker from Well Rested Mama! She was even able to help us when we made the big boy bed transition with Easton.
In the past 2 months we also have had our fair share of sickness in the Turner household. Rylan was diagnosed with Croup and spent 3 days at Duke Hospital in the middle of November. Easton also caught it but thankfully wasn’t as bad because he was older.

Since then Rylan has also had two ear infections and both or our boys have had the flu!
It’s an understatement to say our life has been a whirlwind lately! On top of adding another sweet boy to our family we also just MOVED! Yes, after 5 years in Danville, VA we have decided to finally create our home in Greensboro, NC.

We are actually in the process of building a home so for the next year we are in an apartment while that process is completed. I’m sure that will make for a crazy busy year but I wouldn’t have it any other way! It feels so good to finally feel like we are settling and creating our dream home.

Would you all be interested in seeing more about our house building process as we begin? Let me know!

In case some of you are interested in running. My running has been a bit all over the place. With all the sickness and babies to take care of I’ll definitely admit some weeks I put myself last. Then some weeks things seem to click. I have a ways to go to get ready to race again but that is my goal for 2020!

Wes has still been training and ran the Savannah Rock N Roll Marathon back in November and won! It wasn’t the time he wanted but when you can come away with a win it can’t be a bad day! He is still training in hopes of running some short distances at the beginning of this year and then finding a fall marathon (or two) again.

I think that about catches us up to where we are today. My goal is to get back to blogging more in 2020!
So tell me in the comments, what would you like to see more of in 2020?
Postpartum anxiety hit me pretty hard with Ruby. So I’m kind of “prepared” but nervous juggling a teenager, toddler and newborn in a few weeks. I already feel like I fail so hard. I love that you talk about grace. Oh how much of motherhood is all about grace!!! Congrats again on moving because I’m a fellow NC gal! It’s a pretty state! I had a pretty good stint of blogging but the “more pregnant” I get the more brain fog and uninspired I feel. Lol