Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 2}

Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 2}

Week 2 is complete in my goal of getting my speed back postpartum. It feels many days like I’m starting over, and in some ways I am!  Oh, and in case you think that reducing your mileage and running a 5k training plan will help give you more energy – think...
The Number One Thing that Made me a Faster Marathoner

The Number One Thing that Made me a Faster Marathoner

The most common question I receive (almost daily) is did you go from a 4:38 to a 3:29 in one training cycle? The simple answer – yes. The more in depth answer has one key component that was vital for me to make that jump in my marathon time. While my marathon...
Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 1}

Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 1}

I wanted to start 5k training not only to help mix things up but also to help start working on speed again postpartum. Losing my speed during pregnancy was tough, but what has been a bit tougher for me is the process of getting it back. Speed is tough and takes a lot...
Shoe Review: Mizuno Wave Sky

Shoe Review: Mizuno Wave Sky

I received product and compensation for my review of the Mizuno Wave Sky. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I truly believe a girl can never have enough running shoes. From my years of running I’ve also discovered that very rarely are any two shoes created...
My Next Training Cycle

My Next Training Cycle

I’ve written a couple times the past week about how I’ve been in a phase of very unstructured training. There was no rhyme or reason as to what I was doing each day, and while it really worked for me for a while I was starting to itch for some structure...
Goodbye Vacation and Life Updates

Goodbye Vacation and Life Updates

Thank you all for being patient with me last week. I took some much needed time to simply unplug and enjoy time with my husband and Easton. It was such a wonderful week and I’m so sad that it came to an end. Thankfully we have so much to look forward to coming...
My First Mother’s Day and Other Happenings

My First Mother’s Day and Other Happenings

Hi there! Sorry I didn’t check in at the end of the week it was a bit of a crazy weekend but I’m back! This weekend was a very special one in our house. We had plans to spend Friday night/Saturday with my Mom and then head to my in-laws on Saturday night...

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