My Goals for the Boston Marathon 2017

My Goals for the Boston Marathon 2017

Today we get on the road to Boston! I will try to post on my blog as much as possible, but make sure to follow me on Instagram for lots of Boston fun! Ever race I go into I set goals. Usually they are pretty obvious like they were for the Kiawah Island Marathon (2014)...
A Day in the Life {Marathon Week}

A Day in the Life {Marathon Week}

Hooray hooray marathon week is here! Not just any marathon week – a marathon week that has been 2 years in the making for me! I’ve done a few day in the life posts before (you can see some of my past ones here, here, and here), but I thought it might be...
31 Things I’ve Learned at 31

31 Things I’ve Learned at 31

Sunday is my 31st birthday. It’s honestly hard for me to believe I’m 31 years old, but alas there is nothing I can do about it! Ha! So far my 30’s have brought so many wonderful things to my life, of course the most wonderful being our sweet boy. I...
How to Structure a Marathon Taper

How to Structure a Marathon Taper

The time has come again – I’m officially in my marathon taper. There are a lot of different views about tapers and how they are done, but for me I’ve always done it the exact same way no matter what training cycle I’m in.  If you’ve...
Easton’s Favorite Things {4 Months}

Easton’s Favorite Things {4 Months}

Even though Easton is turning 4 months tomorrow, I’m still going to count these as his 4 month favorites! It truly is amazing how much he will change from month to month! His interests change so quickly these days but it’s so fun to watch him develop and...
Reebok Harmony Road Shoe

Reebok Harmony Road Shoe

I received the product mentioned in this post for free from Reebok. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Runners love their running shoes, and I am no exception to this rule. I’ve tried...
Boston Marathon Training {Week 9}

Boston Marathon Training {Week 9}

I think I had a really important break through this week. Maybe it was the time away last week, or maybe I just finally got in the right mindset but either way it’s better late than never! This was a big week for me, but I’m excited to say that I feel...

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