The Most Important Key to Running Success

The Most Important Key to Running Success

Today I want want to share with you the single most important key to running success. Most of you all know my story. You know where I started, what I’ve accomplished, and the goals I have going forward. Over the years I’ve learned a lot about running, and...
Take Control of Your Health with Genexa

Take Control of Your Health with Genexa

This post is sponsored by Genexa Health and FitFluential. All opinions as usual are my own. A lot has changed in my life over the past three months. I became a Mom, I started running again, and now I am training for my very first Boston Marathon. There’s a lot...
Then vs. Now

Then vs. Now

The great and worst thing about social media is that it is a constant reminder of how things have changed. You see a year ago today life was in some ways the same and in other ways very very different. Let’s take a look at then vs. now. A year ago today I was...
Getting Over Your Long Run Fears

Getting Over Your Long Run Fears

As many of you know, I ran through 36 weeks of my pregnancy with Easton but my long runs got cut out about 27 weeks. My body wasn’t responding as well and so I knew anything over 10 miles was out of the question at that point. As my Boston Marathon training has...

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