5 Must Haves for Postpartum Marathon Training

5 Must Haves for Postpartum Marathon Training

I’ve written countless time on the blog about marathon training essentials – I mean this is primarily a running blog. However; as my life has changed so have those essentials. Postpartum running has brought different needs through marathon training....
Easton: 2 Months Old

Easton: 2 Months Old

I realized it’s been a while since I’ve done an Easton update. I try to make sure to keep my posts a mix of informative and personal. Easton was officially 2 months old yesterday! It truly is hard to believe because it feels like just yesterday I was...
Boston Marathon Training {Week 1}

Boston Marathon Training {Week 1}

Boston Marathon Training Week 1 (8 Weeks Postpartum) It’s official week 1 of Boston Marathon training is DONE. Going into it I was nervous about how my body would respond and how’d I’d feel. I’m happy to report that it’s gone a lot better...
How to Support Your Runner

How to Support Your Runner

It’s no secret that my both my husband and I love to run. We don’t run the same amounts, the same paces, or at the same times most days but it’s always been something that we have in common. We work together to support each other. Before I had...
My Running 5 Weeks Postpartum

My Running 5 Weeks Postpartum

Hi there! I looked back at least week and noticed there was a lot less running talk. That just won’t do so I figured I needed to start this week back off on the right track! 5 weeks postpartum brought some good and tough things. Running has had its highs and...
My Breastfeeding Journey

My Breastfeeding Journey

If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw my post that went into a small bit of detail about my breastfeeding journey so far. However; I wanted to give you all a bit more detail about what’s been going on. My plan from the very beginning has been to...

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