Running Postpartum and With Kids Q&A
I recently posted a story on Instagram asking for what questions you all had about postpartum running as well as running with kids. I got quite a number of questions, so I wanted to highlight as many as I could today! For many of these questions it is a personal...

Life Update
Oh hey! Long time no "talk." Yes, I'm still here! If you don't already you can get more of my day to day (or as often as I can) updates on my Instagram. The truth is, having our second sweet boy has pretty much thrown my life in a spin. I wouldn't trade it for the...

Quality Hydration with Primo Water
As runners we focus on quality a lot. The quality of our running shoes, the quality of our training, the quality of the races we choose, but do you ever consider the quality of the water you are putting in your body? It’s no secret that hydration is an important part...

Cross Training for Pregnant or Injured Runners
**Please note: if you are cross training due to an injury or during pregnancy not all of these may be safe forms of cross training for you. Make sure you check with your doctor before beginning cross training both for injury or pregnancy! If you are reading this post...

The Amazing Stories from Books That Heal
Today I am sharing a company that is very near and dear to my heart. Check out the video below to learn more about Books that Heal!