5 Simple Steps to Tackle Your Tempo Runs

5 Simple Steps to Tackle Your Tempo Runs

Tempo runs. Some love them others dread them. For the longest time I dreaded them each and every week. I knew the importance of them but they always hung over my like a dark cloud. The great thing about tempo runs is that they can be one of the biggest confidence...
Marathon Training Log: Week 6

Marathon Training Log: Week 6

I was a little bit nervous about week 6 because I figured my lucky of feeling pretty good during marathon training was probably due to wear off. I was also coming off a down week so I knew my legs were going to be in for a bit of a shock, but I just went into it with...
Easton’s First Halloween

Easton’s First Halloween

Children really let you re-live all the fun from childhood all over again! We knew that this Halloween wouldn’t be anything Easton would ever remember, but it was something that we would remember for sure. I absolutely loved watching him explore new things....
Marathon Training Log: Week 5

Marathon Training Log: Week 5

I feel like I have finally hit my stride when it comes to marathon training. The first 3-4 weeks were tough. Though in many ways I was making it tougher on myself than it really needed to be. I was letting the pressure creep back in, instead of just enjoying the...
Don’t Make These Race Week Mistakes

Don’t Make These Race Week Mistakes

As many of you already know, last week was race week in my house! Just not for me. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you’ll already know that my husband raced the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. over the weekend and came in 2nd overall! I am so...
Marathon Training Log: Weeks 3 and 4

Marathon Training Log: Weeks 3 and 4

I seem to be in a constant state of being behind lately. In hopes of somehow catching up I am going to recap weeks 3 and 4 of marathon training together! Over the past two weeks I’ve definitely seen my share of ups and downs but I think thats okay and expected...
3 Things that Stand in the Way of Your Race Success

3 Things that Stand in the Way of Your Race Success

Did you know that we can be our own worst enemy? If you are a runner chances are you already know this all too well. Racing can be in some ways an art, then other days it feels like it is completely up to fate as to what type of day you will get and how your body will...
Marathon Training Log: Week 2

Marathon Training Log: Week 2

I know this is a little late, but better late than never right? Last week was week 2 of marathon training and I definitely worked hard! The week didn’t start off that great but had a big turn around in the end. That’s the thing about marathon training you...
Hey Mama It’s OK to Be Selfish

Hey Mama It’s OK to Be Selfish

Today I wanted to share something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Some may or may not disagree with me on this but I wanted to put my thoughts into words. You see lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how we identify ourselves. After I became a...
Marathon Training Log: Week 1

Marathon Training Log: Week 1

I apologize for going a little M.I.A. on you all. We just got back from a little over a week vacation to the beach and I wanted to take the time to really unplug and spend time with family. Now that we are back I am ready to get back into routine! Even though vacation...

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