I hope you enjoyed my husband’s guest post from yesterday.
Wes did end up getting a PR yesterday by about 45 seconds. I am so proud of him! He has to do it all again exactly 2 weeks from yesterday in the Marine Corps Marathon so now it is time for him to try to recover.
He really wanted to break 2:30, but due to stomach issues around mile 15 wasn’t able to. I am still amazed that he PR’d and I am so happy for him!
Remember how I told you Wes gets in his zone before hand? Yep, this is what it looks like!
I’ll have a full recap up in the next few days!
We are currently traveling back from Chicago and should get back to Pennsylvania sometime tonight.
I know this is a day late, but I still wanted to recap my “training” from last week.
I decided to postpone cross training one more week (hopefully starting tomorrow or Wednesday) since I knew that I would be walking a lot during the marathon and wanted to rest my leg as much as possible.
I tested it out on Thursday and I just didn’t feel it was quite ready.
Monday – 10 minutes ab work
Tuesday – rest (traveling most of the day)
Wednesday – 10 minutes ab work
Thursday – 10 minutes ab work, 30 minutes biking
The main purpose of the biking was to make sure my leg was going to be okay for all the walking I knew I’d be doing during the weekend at the Chicago Marathon. I wanted to see too if my goal of cross training next week was reasonable.
Friday – 10 minutes ab work, 30 minute walk with my dog in the morning
I took a little bit longer walk with the pup to test my leg out some.
Saturday – 2 hours of walking
Majority of the walking was around the race expo. I would say a total of about 2 hours.
Sunday – Lots and lots and lots of walking
I’d say we walked at least 5 plus miles while spectating. I’m happy to report that even though I did have some “aching” pain (which is expected) there was no more sharp pain.
We are off to drop my in-laws off at the airport and head back to Erie. I hope everyone enjoys their Monday!
What did you do this weekend? Did anyone else race?
If you want more updates on the race and my travels try one of these social media outlets, as I update them much more frequently:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lovingontherun
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/lovingontherun
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lovingontherun
A big congratulations to Wes on his new PR – and wishing him the best of luck in 2 weeks at the MCM
Thank you
I am a very proud wife!
Super-congrats to Wes, and glad you are progressing with healing – and taking it slow!
I took the weekend off, after 5 straight days building back up after last weekend’s marathon. I understand what you are saying – I had issues mid-race (calf tightness) but somehow managed to run the last 10k faster then the first 10k and pull out a PR. As Wes said in his guest post, it is at those moments we discover our endurance and all that we have trained for!
Travel safe and congrats again!
Thank you very much!
He would have loved to have broken 2:30, and if he hadn’t had the stomach issues I 100% believe he would have BUT any PR is a great PR and he and I are both very happy for him!
He has another one in 2 weeks so time to get recovering!
Hope your recovery is going well! I am starting cross training this week, nervous but excited!
A PR is a PR, for sure!
It is so easy to focus on what went wrong – and it is important to learn what we can change. But it is more important to see the positive ways our hard work paid off!
As for my recovery – it reflects my hard work … I feel better than after any marathon I’ve run, and recovered quicker. A 28 year old woman I work with ran the half-marathon that day and it recovering more slowly, and we joke how she is more like the old person because she’s still hobbling around a week later and I snapped right back
Good luck with cross training! Enjoy and be safe!
That’s great that you are seeing improvement! Recovery is great at showing us if we are improving! I am glad you are recovery well!
Thanks I am excited to start – but nervous!
Yay yay for Wes! And also big yay for you since you walked so much without too much pain! I ran a race but didn’t really “race” … I have 3 half marathons within 4 weeks and the one I care about is in 2 weeks, so I took yesterday’s as more of a tempo run. It was HILLLLLLY and incredibly humid, but very fun and a great challenge! I love racing even if I don’t have concrete goals.
Hope you are going to write it up for your site Megan
Me too! Would love to read it!
3 half marathons in 4 weeks?! Wow girl that’s amazing!
Great job on your half marathon! Sometimes it is nice to not have a huge goal in a race, takes some of the pressure off!
That’s awesome! Congrats to him and hope your leg is feeling good!
-Sammy @ http://www.peaceandloveandicecream.com
Thank you very much
Congrats to Wes! That’s an awesome accomplishment! It’s always so amazing to see how hard work can pay off. And good job on all the support and cheering, Sara! I’m sure it means more to him than you think!
Thank you very much Emily!