I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas week!

I can’t even begin to explain how much we have loved being home and relaxing. We really have had nothing to do except spend time with family and relax. You can’t get much better than that!

I apologize for being a little M.I.A. but once we get back to Erie I will be back in full force! I have some GREAT giveaways coming up for you in the near you! I promise you won’t be disappointed!


Wes and I headed to the gym after we got up this morning.  We both slept in later than we planned to, but it was needed! We have been having a hard time sleeping and for the first night in a long time we slept almost 6 hours without waking up!

My workout started on the treadmill.

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I always start my “run” days with a warm up run.  This run allows me to test my leg and see how it is doing before doing the main workout. I did 0.5 miles walking, 0.5 miles jogging at a 10:30 pace and repeated 2 times.  I also did it at 3% incline to force myself to focus on my form throughout the run.

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After I finished the warm up I did 4-3-2-1 workout and ended it with walking for a total of just under 5 miles in an hour. 


Friday is here again. I can’t believe how quickly a week out of town goes by.

This week’s Five Things Friday continues along with the Christmas week with Five Awesome Gifts I Received for Christmas.


1. Lululemon Speed Shorts

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My in-laws got me these speed shorts that I had been looking at for quite a long time. I usually don’t shop at Lululemon because it is a little out of my price range. They saw me looking at them a while back when we went shopping during one of our marathon trips and had already planned on gifting them to me for Christmas. I can’t wait to try these out when we get back.


2. Compression Socks

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I had asked for compression socks for Christmas. In my mind you can never have too many compression socks and since I end up steeling Wes’ most of the time I knew he would appreciate me having another pair for myself.

They ended up getting me the 2XU Compression socks in pink. Another great thing? Wes won’t want to borrow them because I am pretty sure he won’t wear pink socks. Score!


3. Bark Collar

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A couple of months ago our bark collar disappeared.  We have been looking everywhere for it since there with no luck. I am pretty sure Zoe conveniently hid it somewhere (like in the trash) and we have been putting off getting another because they are a bit pricey.

My brother and his wife came through for us and surprised us with it for Christmas. They have the same one and it hands down is the best one out there. We have gone through several.

I know Zoe will not be happy to see us when we get home since we will have this!


4. Gift Cards

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Did I mention how amazing our families are? They surprised us with many different gift cards for: groceries, gas, movies, and restaurants.  I look forward to using these for some great date nights and to stock up on some much needed groceries since we left our pantries pretty empty!


5. Chick-Fil-A Calendar

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My mom surprised us with a Chick-Fil-A calendar. The great things about these is that they have a free item each month. They come with a card inside and each month you can take it in and get the free item for the month.

I love fun gifts like this 🙂


We are beyond thankful for our family. They really have been such an amazing support system throughout this last year!

I will leave you with a few extra pictures from Christmas.

Photo 3  1

Photo 4

Yep I love my family. Every single one of them.


What did Santa bring you?

Are you back at work or still visiting with family?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
2013 12 26 10 23 23
2013 12 26 11 25 30
2013 12 26 23 09 38
2013 12 26 23 09 48
2013 12 26 23 10 19
2013 12 26 23 10 45
2013 12 26 23 11 15
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Photo 4