It looks like you all are really enjoying the giveaway! Thank you to all who have entered, and if you haven’t go check it out! You have until next Tuesday night!
Howdy from some little town outside of Philadelphia.
I swear for the life of me I couldn’t tell you where we are right now. All I know is that I drove 6 hours yesterday (most in the dark) and we got to our hotel around 9:00 pm.
Good luck to my hubby! I know he is so nervous but I know he will do great!
Just for those of you who are wondering:
This is the practical portion of his Step 2 Medical Board Exam. He will see 12 (I said 10 in my previous post and was wrong) standardized patients. He has 14 minutes to ask them all the questions, perform the necessary tests, and put together a treatment plan.
After he finishes that he has 9 minutes to write up a complete note on the patient. He will find out in a month or so if he passed. Fingers crossed!!
I am pretty exhausted. I was a little bummed when I realized I left my gym shoes at home since I had planned on getting in a little weight workout this morning at the hotel gym, but I guess I will be taking a complete rest day after all!
Back up to yesterday morning.
I had another run scheduled. I am not going to call them test runs anymore because I think at this point in my recovery every run I do is a test run. I know I have AT LEAST another month before I am really able to run consistently, but I use each run to see where I am at and to slowly get my body prepared.
I went up to a field behind our house and did a 2 mile run on the grass.
I am not sure if it was actually softer than the treadmill because the ground was frozen. I had to dodge a lot of icey patches, but it went well for the most part.
Every run outside now requires a minimum of 3 layers.
I read in the comments on my previous post how many of you requested more pictures of Zoe.
Your wish is my command.
This was from this morning when I took her to a friends house for the night. We are so lucky to have friends that will watch her while we are gone. Thankfully this will only be for a night, but I sure miss that face!
We got on the road a little bit later than expected and I spent most of the time trying to figure out where we were going.
Our Garmin died before we even left Erie, thank goodness for cell phones and google maps!
About 4 hours into the drive I was getting hungry so we stopped at Sheetz to eat.
I opted for the grilled chicken salad with a hard boiled egg, banana peppers, pickles, and tomatoes. It was actually really god! I was surprised how nice it was especially considering it came from a gas station!
Of course, as you all know I am married to the candy man so I stole some of his candy to keep me awake for the rest of the drive!
What kinds of food do you typically look for when you are on the road?
Are you a candy eater? What’s your favorite candy?
I encountered my first Sheetz traveling from Corning down to Uniontown PA (southwest corner) to visit an equipment vendor a couple of years ago and though ‘oh great, lunch at a gas station’ when they stopped. But it was actually good in terms of options and choices.
Good luck to Wes – and maybe forgetting your shoes is fate’s way of telling you to take another day off!
Yep today is a rest day! completely! I think the most I’m going to get in is a little stretching and foam rolling session
I just started reading your blog and totally understand the comeback pains post-injury! As for Sheetz–when I moved to NC from PA five years ago, I feared I would never have Sheetz in my life again. Luckily, they are popping up all over the Raleigh-Durham area! I use Wawa as my travel treat when we head North!
Candy=Gummy Coke Bottles and Tootsie Rolls.
Oh wow! We are opposites! I moved from Raleigh/Durham to PA – hopefully moving back down to that area very soon! Sheetz is an awesome gas station – I was surprised how great their food was!
I’ve never heard of Sheetz! It must be an east coast thing? I always stop at Subway for road meals. I figured is the lesser of all evils. Not much of a candy fan but I love chocolate, cookies, baked goods, etc. Like, way too much.
Yes I think it is a East Coast thing!
Ooh I love baked goods way too much too! I would choose them any day over candy, but I have to say candy is pretty darn good to me too
Sheetz is more of a Pennsylvania thing, though as noted they have branched through the ‘mid atlantic’. Living in Massachusetts and now New York with family in Rhode Island and New Jersey, I’d never seen one until PA.
Boards are so nerve wracking — I have several friends going through it. I’m sure he did great! In college I loveddd Sheetz pretzel bread breakfast sandwiches.
Funny. I stumbled on to your blog minutes after getting back my step 2cs scores too! It takes almost 3 months to get back scores! He will do well I’m sure! The pass rate is like 97%!!
How funny! That is what he said but he was still super nervous this morning! Hopefully everything will go well!
I am a terrible road tripper- I feel like we always eat junk food! But a road trip just doesn’t feel complete without a big bag of puppy chow or a bag of homemade cookies
Good luck to your husband!!
I know it is REALLY hard! Usually I will bring my own food but this is such a quick trip I didn’t prepare ahead of time!
oh good luck to him! and you are such a supportive wife. He needs you! stay warm, k?
Thank you!
I will try!!
You’re making me wish we had Sheetz in Texas!! As you know, I’m a candy lover, too – why can’t I be one of those people who hates candy?!?
You and me both girl!!!
My Weimaraner is named Zoe. Your Zoe is so cute! I look for fruit and vegetables when I’m traveling, but they’re usually hard to find unless you count French fries!
This is very true! Zoe really is a great name
I can’t believe Wes has such a short period of time to make a diagnosis and write it up … are they looking for efficiency along with knowledge for this type of exam?
Not really a candy lover but if you try to get between my and some Cadbury’s watch out!
You are lucky to have such great friends to mind Zoe while you’re travelling. We kennel our dogs and the cost is crazy. Safe travels home
I know it’s it ridiculous!? He kept saying the same thing “there is no way I can fit all this in that I need to with a patient in 14 minutes.” I don’t understand why they put a time table on it when obviously you aren’t supposed to rush a patient!
We usually board but a friend has been helping us out since we are tight on funds! Zoe loves being with him so it works out perfectly!
Your pup is adorable!
Good luck to your hubby – I can’t imagine that kind of pressure!!
And I AM a candy eater! Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate…and chocolate!
Awww thank you!
He is so glad it is over! We will wait now until the results come back!