As I was loading up my iPod on Sunday night to get ready to pump me up for another week, I realized I haven’t done one of these posts in a while.  During cross training I didn’t use music that often so I fell off the wagon when it came to finding new music. So, I compiled a workout song playlist for ya’ll!

I thought I’d start it off by taking it back. This is an old song, but it always helps get me ready to run.

1. Don’t Stop Believing – Journey

2. Dark Horse – Katy Perry ft. Juicy J

I have seen lots of people who have already been listening to this song, but I guess I came in late to the party.


3. Compass – Lady Antabellum

As you remember I am a country music fan, I mean I AM from the south. 🙂 This isn’t super up beat but for some reason I have really enjoyed listening to it while running lately.


4. Straight Out the Gate – Tech N9ne

*Warning: Explicit Language*

This is one of my husband’s favorite running songs currently.


5. Party the Pain Away – Tech N9ne

*Warning: Explicit Language


6. Just One Last Time – David Guetta 


7. Last One Standing – Mayday ft. Tech N9ne

*Warning: Explicit Language


8. Brighter Days by Simplified

This is a slower song, but is great for slow easy runs.


9. Step Right Up by Radical Something

A catchy fun song!


10. She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer


If you are still looking for more workout songs, check out some of my previous posts:

My Running Music Playlist {Volume 1}

My Running Music Playlist {Volume 2}

My Running Music Playlist {Volume 3}

My Running Music Playlist {Volume 4}


Tell me, what is on your iPod currently?

What are your Saturday plans?


The winner of the McDavid Compression Recovery Tights Giveaway is J Marie Thompson! Congrats! Please email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get your tights on their way to you!

Don’t forget you still have time to enter my Apera Bag Sprint Pack Giveaway!


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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart