As I was loading up my iPod on Sunday night to get ready to pump me up for another week, I realized I haven’t done one of these posts in a while. During cross training I didn’t use music that often so I fell off the wagon when it came to finding new music. So, I compiled a workout song playlist for ya’ll!
I thought I’d start it off by taking it back. This is an old song, but it always helps get me ready to run.
1. Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
2. Dark Horse – Katy Perry ft. Juicy J
I have seen lots of people who have already been listening to this song, but I guess I came in late to the party.
3. Compass – Lady Antabellum
As you remember I am a country music fan, I mean I AM from the south. This isn’t super up beat but for some reason I have really enjoyed listening to it while running lately.
4. Straight Out the Gate – Tech N9ne
*Warning: Explicit Language*
This is one of my husband’s favorite running songs currently.
5. Party the Pain Away – Tech N9ne
*Warning: Explicit Language
6. Just One Last Time – David Guetta
7. Last One Standing – Mayday ft. Tech N9ne
*Warning: Explicit Language
8. Brighter Days by Simplified
This is a slower song, but is great for slow easy runs.
9. Step Right Up by Radical Something
A catchy fun song!
10. She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer
If you are still looking for more workout songs, check out some of my previous posts:
My Running Music Playlist {Volume 1}
My Running Music Playlist {Volume 2}
My Running Music Playlist {Volume 3}
My Running Music Playlist {Volume 4}
Tell me, what is on your iPod currently?
What are your Saturday plans?
The winner of the McDavid Compression Recovery Tights Giveaway is J Marie Thompson! Congrats! Please email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get your tights on their way to you!
Don’t forget you still have time to enter my Apera Bag Sprint Pack Giveaway!
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Music makes my runs so much more enjoyable! I mostly listen to alternative but every once in awhile I throw in a Katy Perry song! Got my run completed for the day. Love the quiet weekend mornings. Heading up to the mountains today with a bunch of friends. Can’t wait.
Question for you: Trying to learn to slow down on longer runs. Got any advice on that front? I am going out way too fast and then I just don’t have enough gas at the end to go longer. How do you get yourself to run slower? It sounds simple but clearly for me, it isn’t.
Happy Saturday!
I find that when I am trying to run slow I either:
1) Don’t listen to music (sometimes that makes me go faster)
2) Don’t wear my watch – this is a must for me.
I have always struggled with going to fast and sometimes when I just let my body go slow and relaxed and don’t have a watch to look at I do so much better!
Thanks for the info. I do want to still wear my garmin so I can know how far I have gone and also thinking that I might be able to associate how I feel with a certain pace based on what the split says.
Susan – one thing I do is ‘hide’ my GPS (not too hard in the winter) so I won’t be so focused on pace but will be collecting data. With the Magellan Echo, now I have a page with just heart rate and time, so I don’t see distance or pace at all!
Thanks. I really am not even looking at it that much but hiding it will be good. I have to learn to “run by feel” and understand what different paces feel like. I appreciate the tips!
I was about to say the same thing Michael said but he beat me to it
On my Garmin I can turn it so that it just shows the time of day. It is still calculating distance and pace but I can’t see it so I don’t constantly look at it. It seems to work and also helps me on long runs so I am not staring at how far I have left to go 
I think you know by now I am a ‘one with nature’ person … but I definitely know that many people need music for running. Here is a thought/question – do you BPM match your music to specific types of workouts? Do you have playlists set up based on tempo or other criteria? I think it would be interesting (maybe?) to have the info for each track to build specific workout playlists … not suggesting you do it, just that it would be interesting. I know I have read some people who get really into that stuff.
My weekend is all about rushing between place to place with the kids, and squeezing my runs in between. I am doing the #runforjaime for the 31-year old single mother of two who was struck and killed by a car while running last week.
Yeah I definitely have songs that I used to use when I did tempo/speed workouts, but I don’t really have a set “playlist” per say. I have started trying to not use music for easy runs and definitely not use my watch to help takes it easy. Just like people put together playlists for spin classes and such I’d be interested to try it and see how it works. I’ve got a while till i’m at that point again – but something to keep in mind!
Hope you are able to slow down a little bit and enjoy the weekend!
Though if you are like me as long as you are with family and loved ones – you’re happy!
Thanks so much. A lot of times I really am not even looking at it (especially now in the cold when I am wearing gloves). I have another question: do you slow your pace on long runs? And if so, how much? I have heard I want to go about a minute/mile slower on a long run and just trying to learn to do that
Well it has been a while since I have really been IN training, but I would say when I was training I would go about a minute slower or so. I am trying to get to a new level now so I am going to be changing up my training, but long runs should probably be right around 1 minute to 1:30 minutes slower than your marathon pace.
I don’t run with music too often but when I do I always enjoy the change up of it. I do listen to music when I strength train (funny it sounds like you are the opposite). Right now a few of my favorites on my iPod are “White Walls” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and “Am I Alive” by TEAM. They are a local Dallas band But I love them.!music/cjlk
I love finding new local bands, sometimes they have the best stuff! I am a big Macklemore and Ryan Lewis fan as well.
I try to run without music when I am going easy. It helps me slow down and enjoy all that is around me!
Great selections! I really liked Compass. I enjoy seeing what other runners like to listen to.
Compass is a great song! Not too quick but it is great for those easy recovery runs
I hear Dark Horse way too much! I listen to Pandora when I run
Haha I know I am ALMOST to the point of being sick of it, but right now it’s still on the play list!
heck ya! now i am pumped up! Journey is the best, oldie but goodie!
It is a great one!
I just bookmarked this! Thank you for sharing! I even picked up a few from the comments. Feeling thankful for the itunes gift card I received from a student! (and glad I found you on SITS!)
Thanks Lyssa
welcome! Thanks for stoping by.
I rarely make playlists anymore because I just use Pandora instead but this post makes me want to create one.
Thank you for the song recs! I’m always adding new songs to my workout playlist. Ever consider a Disney ballad or too? Frozen, Aladdin, and The Lion King have some great ones if you don’t mind accidentally lip-synching while running
I’ve heard a lot of great things about Frozen and its music but have never seen it or heard it – I need to check it out it seems!