My first week back to running was a success! In total I ended up doing 4 days of running for a total of around 11.5 miles.

I still incorporated low intensity cross training and a few days of strength training which eventually will pick up substantially.


Here is a recap of my workouts this week:

Monday (3/3)

Running: 25 minutes (2.52 miles)

Pool Running: 60 minutes


Tuesday (3/4)

Pool Running: 36 minutes


Wednesday (3/5)

Running: 30 minutes (3.11 miles)

Pool Running: 60 minutes


Thursday (3/6)

Running: 30 minutes (3.02 miles)

Pool Running: 90 minutes


Friday (3/7)

Pool Running: 70 minutes


Saturday (3/8)

Running: 30 minutes (3.08 miles)


Sunday (3/9)

Rest day.


My “long” day this week was Thursday.

Overall I am really happy with my progress and most of the runs and workouts went really well. Starting running again after a break for whatever reason it may be can be tough.

5 months ago I ran a 10k with a PR of 47:45 (average pace of 7:42) and now my lungs and legs hurt just running at 9:40 pace. I can remember getting off the treadmill after running 16 miles and it feeling easy 6 months ago, now I get off the treadmill at 3 and feel exhausted.  I could easily get frustrated and some days to be honest I am. I know had I done things correctly 6-7 months ago I could be so much further along than I am today.  It would be easy to focus on that, but I know it won’t get me anywhere.

Where I want to be is going to take work, it is going to take time and I have to be patient and listen to body throughout this journey. It is going to take a new level of dedication.

This week I’ve made drastic improvements. I have finally started running again, cleaned up my diet and am slowly working on adding back in strength training to my routine. All integral parts of a healthy running body.

It has given me a new appreciation to those who are just starting their running journey. It has been so long since I first started running that I almost forgot just how frustrating it can be in the beginning. It’s a process, it takes time but you do get better.

The thing that I love about running is that it is hard. Some days I question why I am doing this again but then as I get into my run I am reminded again and again why I started. It has taught me more than I could have ever imagined and it still challenges me to this day.

Last Wednesday I participated in a twitter chat with Mizuno and FitFluential titled #IfEverybodyRan. One of the questions that was asked was:


My response (what came to me first) was:


I can’t tell you how many times I have said the exact same thing to myself this week. However, it got me thinking once it was over what I would have liked someone to tell me when I was first starting out.


1. It’s going to be hard even when you get better at it. Keep going!

2. Your body will improve but you have to take care of it.

3. Don’t forget succeeding as a runner is much more than just running itself. Don’t forget the small things.

4. It will give you confidence that you never thought you could have.

5. Even on the hard days be thankful you can run.

6. Don’t ever take it for granted.

7. Finding a running buddy. They can make all the difference!


Tell me, what would you tell a new runner?

What would you have liked someone to tell you when you first started running?

[Tweet “What I Wish I’d Been Told When I First Started Running via @LovingOnTheRun #runchat #fitfluential #run”]

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Newbie Runner Tips