I know as runners we often struggle with strength. Sure, we know we all need to do it but it is one of the first things that most of us let go to the wayside when things get busy.
I could only be talking about myself, but regardless sometimes it’s easy to let strength training go to the wayside.
Ever since I started running again I have made it a point to get at least 2-3 days of strength training in a week. Eventually I want to be doing more, but for now I am happy with making sure I get that in every week.
Yesterday I went to the gym for a quick workout. I decided to start making my strength training days on workout days (Monday, Wednesday and Sunday). This makes it easy for me to keep track of and stick to a plan.
Yes I was watching The Price is Right while I was doing the workout.
My workout consisted of: 18 minutes “out” (8:50 pace) followed by 18 minutes “back” which was done as a cutdown (8:30 – 6:53 pace).
I got a late start so when my run was finished I only had about 30 minutes to get my strength training in.
Here was the strength training workout I did:
Even though the workout is quick and simple it is a total body workout and focused on the areas that many times runners are weak in. Make sure to go directly from one exercise to the next in each set of 3. Don’t rest until you have reached the end of the entire set.
If you are stronger in the core than I am then you can increase the amount of time for your planks. My max right now is a minute, but since I am doing three sets of planks I shorten the length of each of them.
Of course, I finished it off with about 10 minutes of good stretching before heading to the locker room.
For some reason after I finished my workout I was craving a Diet Coke bad. I don’t know if I have mentioned my slight addiction to diet soda on here, but I am trying to get it under control.
I went to a local coffee shop to work for a few hours since our house is in a bit of a disarray and even though my craving was out of control I was good and went with a small coffee and water instead.
The longer I go without diet soda the less I miss it. It’s still a work in progress but I am getting there!
I’m off to continue getting some packing and cleaning done. I cannot imagine the fact that I am going to have 10 people in our half packed home in a little over a week. Time to get to cleaning!
Do you have a go to strength routine?
What is an addiction you are trying to quit?.
I like the tips
My current (pathetic) strength “routine” in a 2 minute plank followed by 50-70 pushups, done in sets of 25 and 20. It’s boring. I need to change it up!
Hey that is something! Something is always better than nothing!
During the crazy Florida heat I often crave coke zero’s after a long run! I don’t usually have one – but it happens sometimes
Glad to hear I am not the only one!
I used to like diet soda, but I don’t drink it anymore. The less I drink it, the less I want it.
I have an addiction to froyo, but I am in no way trying to quit
Oh my addiction to froyo is 100 times worse!! HA!
30 minutes is awesome. I do my strength after my swims on Tues/Thurs. I do body pump dvd (20-30 minutes) then later in the day abs dvd (15 minutes). If I get 2 x per week I am happy. I feel the third session on Saturday is total bonus!
Bad diet soda addiction since my teens. Diet Mtn, Dew and then onto Coke Zero. In 2012 I quit but I still allow myself about 1 (sometimes 2) per week. Let’s just say, I don’t keep it in the house. That would be nonsense as I could drink it all day long
But there are worse things to be addicted to and as long as I don’t allow myself one every day I feel like I have successfully quit my addiction.
Keep up the great work!
Very true Susan! Right now i’m working on cutting back – maybe one day i’ll cut them out entirely but for now I’m happy with cutting back!
Yes, cutting back is great progress!! No need to go crazy, right?!? I am all about being healthy but ENJOYING my life too. Seriously, how fun is it to cut everything out? Coke Zero makes me smile!!
Looks like a great, quick, strength workout! I wrote down some of my favorite strength exercises so when I don’t have a plan I just look back on that and choose a few moves to do.
That’s a great plan Lisa! That way you don’t have to worry about it if you forget to plan ahead.
I think I am a different type of runner (I am finding). I have done strength training since about the age 15-16 and became a ‘dedicated’ runner in the last 3-4 years. I run 3-4 days a week and weight train (strength train) 3-4 days a week. I do many different combs
Usually 3 sets of 15 followed by supersets:
Examples- Biceps curls, Lateral raise, Leg extensions, Deadlifts, seated calf raises, etc. Similiar to the exercise program that Jamie Eason has here:
Love Jamie Eason! I have followed her plan perviously.Thats great that you are so well balanced!
I feel like I have replaced my diet soda addiction with those dang water drops! Working my way to plain water…but, geez, they are tasty!!!
Every step counts! I have done that before too!
Great strength training workout. I know I need to incorporate this more into my workout routine. I have never drank sodas, luckily so I never had to break that habit. Maybe mine would be having wine in the evening with cheese and crackers. Can’t say im trying to break that habit but maybe just one glass instead of two or three:)
I think wine in the evening is a great habit to have. It says “it’s the end of the day and I am relaxing”. Plus wine is good for you (bonus!)
Wine and cheese sounds AMAZING! I need to start up that bad habit
I do 15-20 minutes of core work about 5 times a week. It helps!
That’s impressive! Good for you!
Looks great! I want to do this today! What do you mean by hip raises? Are they hip hikes like on a bench or plank hip raises?
You lay on your back with your knees bent and simply raise your hips to the ceiling. Make sure to focus on keeping your glutes and core tight.
Here is an example:
They are GREAT for runners!
Awesome – thanks for your super speedy response! I call those butt lifts or hip thrusts and definitely don’t do them enough!
I recently started p90x3 -it’s 30 minutes of oh hi go, it’s not really for runners but I feel stronger after a week. I have been doing a few core workouts from yogadownload.com and I can really tell the difference when I am running
Wow sounds intense! I did P90X several years ago and it was tough!