One more week. One more week. That is what I keep repeating to myself and my husband. I cannot believe we are so close!
Yesterday’s long run was amazing. Second week in a row it has gone great!
9 miles at an 8:31 min/pace. I’d say that speed work is slowly starting to pay off! My legs felt great and the weather was PERFECT. I hope it stays around!
As soon as I finished I took a recovery shake and headed to pick up Wes from his 17 mile run.
Monday (5/19)
2 mile warm up
6 x 800 m (with 400 m recovery)
2 mile cool down
Total – 8.5 miles
Tuesday (5/20)
5 miles easy with strides
Wednesday (5/21)
1/2 mile warm up
36 minute progressive out and back run
1/2 mile cool down
Total – 5.5 miles
Thursday (5/22)
6 miles easy
Friday (5/23)
Saturday (5/24)
9 miles easy
Sunday (5/25)
1 mile warm up
30 minutes hard work on hills
1 mile cool down
If you don’t want to add all of that up it should end up being around 38-39 miles. I’m not exactly sure what today’s workout will end up being mileage wise, but if it close to my 2nd week that should be about right.
It’s been a little while since I did a Virtual Coffee Date so I figured it was about time for round 2.
If we were having coffee this morning…
- I’d tell you I’m wishing the days away. I don’t want to, but I am so anxious for next Sunday to be here and to really officially start our move to Virginia. For years this day seemed so far away, but now that it is so close I really just want it to be here. I know I should be savoring each and every day, so I am trying hard to SLOW down.
- I’d tell you that I can’t wait to see our families! It feels like an eternity since we have seen them. I think if I am calculating it correctly the last time was Christmas. Too long.
- I’d tell you that I’m spending way too much time on Pinterest lately. I have never been very good at decorating. Fun fact: I actually started off college as an interior design major (haha). My goal for our new place is to really make it a home. Where we live now has never had that “home” feeling so I am determined to make this one different!
- I’d tell you that I really love this video created by Hylands Homeopathic at this year’s Boston Marathon. They asked those who were unable to finish last year why they were running it. I love all their answers!
- I’d tell you that I am putting a little too much pressure on myself to make our house perfect for visitors. In reality half of our stuff is boxed up and our family understands. I will be happy if it at least is somewhat presentable.
- I’d tell you that my big brother turned 31 on Thursday and I really miss him! Growing up we didn’t always get along and now we don’t see each other NEAR enough but we’ve grown a lot closer over the years! He means the world to me.
- I’d tell you that I’m so excited that I am seeing speed improvement. The first couple weeks of speed training are tough because you still feel very slow, but then all of the sudden you notice even your easy runs getting a little faster.
Your turn, if we were having coffee what would you tell me?
How was your training this week?.
I am excited for you! Your training is paying off and you are finding what works for YOU. And also very cool about the move. Being near family & friends is so important to me and so is living in a place that the weather doesn’t drive me crazy (I don’t love the winters in Colorado but at least we get sunshine with our snow!). If we were having coffee I would tell you that I, too, am finding that perfect balance in my training–that my body finally won the battle over my mind and I feel fantastic. 3 days running, 2 days swimming + weights, 1 day cycling and 1 day rest. Today I woke up and felt great and was tempted not to rest, but I resisted and told myself “you will get to run tomorrow”. It really feels wonderful to reach this milestone because for years, I didn’t listen to my body and pushed and ended up injured and hurting (then sad). I find your blog so inspiring because you, too, are on that journey and I know it’s going to pay off (it already is). HAPPY SUNDAY!
That is so awesome Susan! It is a really great feeling when we finally find that happy balance. It is freeing and you finally feel in control
You are really strong and sometimes it is a mind game, but the important part is that we both are starting to recognize that!
Here’s to happy, healthy and balanced training, eating and living!!
That’s so sweet that you’ve grown closer to your brother over the years. I also have an older brother. We used to fight a lot as kids, but now we’re a lot closer and hang out together
It really is amazing how as you get older you grow closer. Love having an older brother!
I’m not even ashamed to say that when guest comes over, I lock my study (the messiest place ever) and hide whatever that needs hiding under something and call it a day! Relax girl! No one’s going to judge!
Haha yes I know! I just am always nervous when guests come to stay. Just want it to be the best it can (even with all the boxes)!
Great miles this week!
Thanks Matt!
I would tell you that I am seriously questioning why I live in Maryland. After spending a few days in Florida I think I would really love living there year round…Or Texas would be my second choice. The only think keeping my husband and in where we are is my family (and I guess our jobs:)) I’m so happy for you that you are so close to moving!
Thank you Lisa! Sometimes it is hard to know where you want to be!
You know I would tell you to slow down and take these moments to remember … do you recall months ago I challenged you to make a list of reasons you love Erie? Did you do that? I would ask you to share that list. I never wanted to leave Massachusetts, and while that will always be home, there are so many awesome things here that I love that I cannot imagine the last 6 years without the Corning area as part of it.
Here is the thing – 10 years from now you and Wes will every now and then find yourself saying ‘do you remember that time …’. Nothing in life is perfect, and I know there will be a million things that you prefer about being closer to home and family … but you had some major times the last few years in Erie, that are forever part of your identity as individuals and as a couple.
Challenge accepted. A few of the positives of Erie will go up tomorrow
haha – you don’t mess around