Happy Thursday!


This has been a crazy (but good) week! Our schedules have been all over the place but I am slowly getting the hang of this. Yesterday’s run was nothing to really talk about. I kept with my easy running and was able to get up pretty early to beat the heat.

It actually turned into a pretty awesome day. The heat and humidity were down and even though it was still in the 80’s it felt so much cooler!

6 Miles

6 miles done. Nothing big to report.


Life Hacks

I’m sure you have seen online the “life hacks.” Basically things people figure out that makes life so much simpler. Over the last couple weeks I have come across two that are pretty awesome.

A couple weeks ago when we were down at the beach for July 4th and had no power, we were trying to find a way to speed up the cooling of drinks once we got the generator up and running.

We looked up online and found out that supposedly if you wet a paper towel and put it around the bottle that it speeds up the cooling process.


Sure enough, it worked! It still takes a little bit to cool off but if you have a drink that you want to get cold a bit quicker, give this a try!

Cooling Drink


This next one will probably not blow everyone’s mind quite as much as it did mine, but I still have to share!

With two cats and a dog I am constantly battling the pet hair. Sometimes it is down right annoying! I love them to death and wouldn’t trade them for the world but boy to they shed all over everything.

Normally to get hair off the couch or bed I use either the vacuum or a lint roller, but both are rather annoying. Wes told me the other day that he had read if you take a cleaning glove and rub it against the furniture the hard will just come right up.

Cleaning Glove

Today as I was about to go and vacuum off the top of our comforter, I decided to give it a go.

Cat Hair Off

All I did was simply rub the glove across the comforter and the cat hair came right up. I’m not kidding, it was so easy!

Cat Hair

I am sure you really don’t want to see the cat hair, but I can’t tell you how awesome this is! Not only does it get it up but it’s so quick! I feel like I have just gotten so much time back!


Dinner Dinner

In other non-related news, we had a pretty delicious dinner last night. It was so simple and easy!


We used tortillas for the pizza crust and made individual pizzas. Mine was spinach, cheese and chicken. I made one for Wes as well that he ate once he got home but he is much more plain and just opted for chicken and cheese.

They are so easy and quick to make, plus we can each have what we want on them!


I am still trying to get some of the leftovers finished so on the side I had a bowl of quinoa mixed with my mom’s salsa that she brought up and left for us after our party Saturday.

Sometimes random conglomerations are the most delicious!


Tell me an awesome life hack you have learned?

What did you have for dinner?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
6 Miles
Cooling Drink
Cleaning Glove
Cat Hair Off
Cat Hair