Wes and I have a slight weak spot when it comes to animals. Ok, actually it is pretty large. If you had asked me a few months ago I would have told you that 2 cats and 1 very high energy dog was more than enough for me.
You may remember a few weeks ago I talked about a trip we took to the animal shelter. We actually frequent the animal shelter a lot, but haven’t come home with a new animals.
About 7 years ago we adopted our very first kitten – Gorman. He is named after a street we lived on in college. We were getting ready to enter our senior year of college when we got him. He is a moody one and is a completely daddy’s boy, but regardless I love him just the same.
This little guy has been a real trooper and has lived in 4 different cities and 3 different states since he came to live with us. From tiny apartments to a much bigger house. He has seen us through it all.
After we graduated and got our own place, we decided that Gorman needed a friend. We always felt so awful leaving him alone by himself when we would go to work.
We adopted Izzy about 5 years ago. She is the complete opposite and tends to hide away for 90% of the day. She isn’t a fan of change even though she has had to move now almost 4 times. When she does come out of hiding she is a sweetheart and loves with no bounds.
Now we fast forward several years and moves later. Wes and I got married in June 2011 and right before we left to go back to North Carolina for the wedding Wes surprised me and had adopted a puppy. We were going to be picking her up after we got back from our honeymoon.
We actually ended up picking Zoe up the day after we got back. I don’t know why we planned it so close, but it all worked out. We had never had a dog before so this was quite an undertaking and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. However, she has grown into the sweetest and happiest little girl.
After we moved to Danville, I could tell Wes really wanted to get another cat. Actually, he probably wanted another dog but that was just too much for us right now.
We had looked around but kept holding off. We wanted to make sure it was the right time. Then we met this little lady at the animal shelter. She was so sweet and it just felt right.
Last night we brought home Piper.
We are still in the process of introducing her to our clan of fur children, but we are slowly making progress. Welcome to the family Piper!
Oh, and in case you came here to hear about running. Not too much to report.
I ran an easy 6 miles yesterday morning and have my first tempo today. Fingers crossed!
Do you have any pets? How many? What kind?
Hows your running going so far this week?
We are stuck in a tiny one bedroom apartment with an outrageous pet “fee” that is non-refundable, so as much as we’d love a pet or petS, we can’t have one until we are out of here! Love animals though!
Awww well hopefully you will be able to get a pet when move again
Ah so cute!! I love new pets!
Me too!
Congratulations on adopting Piper! She is gorgeous. She could be the sister of my boy cat Chaucer.
We have adopted all our pets from either animal shelters or off the streets. 9 dogs and 6 cats! We started like you guys… just visiting a shelter in Seattle when we got married 18 years ago and we adopted one cat, then one dog. Then we started volunteering at the shelter and taking ‘death row cases’. When we moved to Texas we started finding abandoned dogs and fostering them until they were healthy enough to adopt out. Some of them we never felt comfortable enough to give up, so we kept them… and our family has grown.
There is a huge need for people like you to give abandoned and lost pets good homes, Millions of dogs and cats are killed every year. Adopt from a shelter, spay/neuter and microchip your pets is the message that will help bring this number down.
Piper is one lucky kitty!
Good luck on your tempo – looks like it is hot everywhere today.
9 dogs and 6 cats!? You are my hero!
I think we are capped at a total of 4 right now due to our place and our schedules but we love being able to give animals homes. All of ours have come from shelters as well! I don’t think I could volunteer I know I’d end up taking home every animal and I get attached SO easily! You are a saint!
Tempo was tough this morning but I got it done! Thankfully it was rainy so that ended up helping!
Yay for your new family member! So cute! I have two dogs that I love to pieces.
Awww yes you have two very adorable doggies!
I have one dog. A 7 months old German Shepherd girl. I love her sooo much!! This is my first dog. Congrats !
Aww congrats on the new puppy!
Your pets are adorbs! I wish I could have kitties but I’m quite allergic and my husband doesn’t like cats.
Allergies to animals are no joke – my cousin is REALLY allergic to cats. She can’t even be in our house. Sorry to hear that!
I have three cats and one dog, also! All of mine are also adopted. My dog was the last addition. We are still trying to get her to accept the cats as part of her family. She thinks they are squirrels.
Ha! Yes my dog is 100% a cat lover, we are still working on that every day. Since we got the new kitten it is even more of a battle but we will get there!
Piper is precious! She looks much like my cat, Whiskers. Whiskers is 19.5 years old and unfortunately we don’t think she has much time left. I absolutely love her though – we got her when I was in kindergarten and I just graduated college so she has always been there. I’m looking forward to getting into my own place where I can adopt my own cat.
Awww 19.5 years! what a trooper! Cats are such a part of the family – mine are like my children! Hope you can get your cat soon
I have 2 shelter cats that I adopted together from a cat rescue when they were babies. They are my absolute world!
Cats are the BEST!
We have 3 rabbits (don’t ask) and my 16 year old cat, Mabel. She is my life!!! I would love to have another cat, but Mabel likes to be alone. We did rescue a kitten a few years ago, but had to have him put to sleep because he had FIP
My running is going great this week!! I ran the Rock n’ Roll Chicago half last Sunday, so this is a recovery week. But my next training cycle starts Monday for my next half at the end of August. Actually, I have a half every month thru October!! I must be nuts
Awww so sorry to hear about your kitten! Glad you have Mabel in your life!
Awesome on the running! I can’t wait to race again. It feels like it has been FOREVER!
What an awesome fur family!
I have two dogs.. Rhett, a dachshund and Reina, a boxer. They are quite a pair! You should see my trying to walk them both!
Awww one dog is enough for us right now, but hopefully one day we will have another name! Love their names!