Wes and I have a slight weak spot when it comes to animals. Ok, actually it is pretty large. If you had asked me a few months ago I would have told you that 2 cats and 1 very high energy dog was more than enough for me.

You may remember a few weeks ago I talked about a trip we took to the animal shelter. We actually frequent the animal shelter a lot, but haven’t come home with a new animals.


About 7 years ago we adopted our very first kitten – Gorman. He is named after a street we lived on in college. We were getting ready to enter our senior year of college when we got him. He is a moody one and is a completely daddy’s boy, but regardless I love him just the same.


This little guy has been a real trooper and has lived in 4 different cities and 3 different states since he came to live with us. From tiny apartments to a much bigger house. He has seen us through it all.


After we graduated and got our own place, we decided that Gorman needed a friend. We always felt so awful leaving him alone by himself when we would go to work.


We adopted Izzy about 5 years ago. She is the complete opposite and tends to hide away for 90% of the day. She isn’t a fan of change even though she has had to move now almost 4 times. When she does come out of hiding she is a sweetheart and loves with no bounds.


Now we fast forward several years and moves later. Wes and I got married in June 2011 and right before we left to go back to North Carolina for the wedding Wes surprised me and had adopted a puppy. We were going to be picking her up after we got back from our honeymoon.

Zoe as a Puppy

We actually ended up picking Zoe up the day after we got back. I don’t know why we planned it so close, but it all worked out. We had never had a dog before so this was quite an undertaking and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. However, she has grown into the sweetest and happiest little girl.


After we moved to Danville, I could tell Wes really wanted to get another cat. Actually, he probably wanted another dog but that was just too much for us right now.

We had looked around but kept holding off. We wanted to make sure it was the right time. Then we met this little lady at the animal shelter. She was so sweet and it just felt right.


Last night we brought home Piper.

We are still in the process of introducing her to our clan of fur children, but we are slowly making progress. Welcome to the family Piper!

Little Piper

Oh, and in case you came here to hear about running. Not too much to report.

6 Easy Miles

I ran an easy 6 miles yesterday morning and have my first tempo today. Fingers crossed!



Do you have any pets? How many? What kind?

Hows your running going so far this week?

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Running Wife - Running Mom, Loving Wife, Beach Bum at Heart
Zoe as a Puppy
Little Piper
6 Easy Miles