I started this week with extremely high hopes of getting refocused on my training. The extra added rest day last week I was hoping would excel me into an awesome week.
The reality: I had some good parts of my training, but it really wasn’t the week I had hoped it would be. Not going to worry too much about it because I know I still gave really good effort.
The month of December for me is really about listening to when my body is ready. I’ll run easy, do workouts, and just let my body determine what it’s ready for.
The weather also through a pretty big wench in my plans:
It poured rain for 3 days and finally Thursday I was able to get back outside! Thank goodness for our basement treadmill. It may not be the best, but it gets the job done.
Here is a look at my running throughout this week:
Monday – 8 miles
I started my week out with a treadmill workout.
The workout:
Warm up
6 x (2 minutes at 5k pace, 2 minutes easy)
5 minute jog
3 x 200 meters
4 x 100 meters
Cool down
Looking at the workout it didn’t seem that bad, but it knocked me on my butt! I felt pretty awful when I woke up and was just not into it at all. You can’t win them all.
I gave it my best effort but was pretty exhausted once it was done.
Tuesday – 6 miles
I was happy for an easy run Tuesday morning. Unfortunately, the rain still kept me on the treadmill so I’m pretty sure it was the longest 6 miles of my life.
I focused on really keeping it slow even though I wanted to speed it up to get it done with it. It’s amazing how much quicker runs go outside!
Wednesday – 9 miles
Wednesday I was feeling really bad. My body felt weak and I had the feeling like I was about to get the flu. After talking myself down on the treadmill I figured I’d try my workout but cut it as soon as I felt it was too much.
The workout:
Warm up
4 x 1 mile (progressively faster: 7:20, 7:13, 7:08, 7:00)
I can’t get exact paces because I have to go off effort on the treadmill because mine is slightly off. I know roughly how much it’s off and go from there.
400 meters between each mile
Cool down
In total it ended up being just over 9 miles.
I actually felt so much better AFTER this run. I really didn’t think it was going to happen, but I surprised myself!
Thursday – 6 miles
I finally got back outside on Thursday and was so grateful.
As you can see it was a slow and steady 6 miles. Nothing fancy and that is exactly how I wanted it to be. My body never really got into it, but it felt good to just run without a specified pace.
Friday – Off
I’ve really been focusing on embracing and enjoying my rest days recently.
This Friday morning instead of having to rush out the door to run like most mornings, I sat on the couch, talked to my husband after his run, checked emails, and took in the Christmas tree. There is nothing better than sitting by the Christmas tree on a cold winter morning!
Saturday – 14 miles
Saturday I decided to not only do a long run, but work in a workout as well.
The original plan was: 7 miles easy, 3 miles (around 8:00 min pace), 3 miles (7:30-8:00), and 1 mile very easy for a cool down.
The workout ended up breaking down as:
7 miles: 9:15, 8:49, 8:13, 8:34, 8:34, 8:28, 8:41
3 miles: 8:05, 8:00, 7:54
3 miles: 7:31, 7:33, 7:39
Overall, I stuck to the paces. The real goal for me of this run was to actually stick to the pace ranges that were prescribed. I watched my pace, which I usually don’t, just to make sure I didn’t go out of control.
Sunday – 6 miles
The goal is an easy 5-6 miles. Same goal is last week but I have total faith I’ll make it out this week!
Having high hopes for next week, but happy I stuck it out. Some weeks even though they may not be the easiest are the ones that make us stronger!
How did your runs go this week?
What was your toughest workout?
Hi! I found your blog earlier this week when I ordered the Hanson Marathon Method. I am hoping to hit a 3:30 for a marathon in 2016, so I found it interesting that you achieved that in your first go with this method. Im not sure why I am not computing this-But Im not understanding the speedwork days- ie- 6X800(400 recovery) does that mean 6 go’s of .5 miles at a 3:30 pace?…with that fast of a pace is it even possible to do it on a treadmill? My treadmill only goes up to 12(5minute mile)…and Im not sure I could even do that?
Hi Nikki! So excited you are going to use Hansons! It’s a great program. If you take a look at this original post it will break down all the paces I used for each type of workout: http://www.lovingontherun.com/2014/07/look-marathon-plan/ – the 800’s were to be done in 3 minutes and 30 seconds so about a 7:00 min/pace. I actually did a lot of my speed work on the treadmill but my tempo runs outside. It just depended on the day, but you could definitely get them done on the treadmill! Let me know if you have any other questions!
Hey! That page was very helpful! Thanks so much!! The only question I still have-how fast are the recovery jogs in the speed/strength workouts? Sorry if I missed where u say this!
They go through it all in the book when you get it and break it down based on your goal. I don’t remember having a set jog speed I just went slow enough so where I could get semi-recovered before starting again. Double check the book when you get it! I know it lays out your easy day speed, but I don’t remember writing down a recovery speed. I just made it a comfortable jog speed and allowed my body time to recover!
Hope it helps!
Great week of running! I was on vacation in Mexico with no ability to run outside. The roads around the resort were very narrow and not safe. So I did 57 miles on the treadmill
I was listening to the book The Martian, which helped to keep me distracted, but it was mind numbing. I really appreciate being home with my dogs and being able to run outside.
Dallas Marathon next Sunday!
~ Run with joy!