Do The Best You Can
Before I get into my focus for the week, let's talk about running for a bit shall we? After my 14 mile run on Saturday my legs were DONE. They were sore, my body was tired and that was to be expected since I hadn't run that far in over a year. I woke up Sunday morning...
Hanson’s Marathon Method Week 4 Recap
Week 4 of my marathon training has ended. I'm tired. Yep, I think after week 4 I finally got the point where my body and mind were in need of a break. I think the 14 miles on Saturday really took it out of me. Wes and I made it a point to sleep in a little later on...
A Baseball Kind of Night
My first official week of full time employment went great! I honestly think running in the morning gives me so much more energy throughout the day. Since Fridays are always my rest day, I got up a little before 6:00 AM but felt more tired than I had any other day this...
Enjoying Summer with Balance Bar
It is so hard to believe that summer is getting ready to come to an end. Ok, so we have about a month left but I have to say this has been such a wonderful summer! Here are a few of my favorite times of the summer so far: Wes' Graduation from Medical School Moving to...
Favorite Things About Our New City
Thank you for all your wonderful suggestions and comments on yesterday's post in regards to running in the morning before the sun is up. I even received some great advice via email! (Yes, I received your emails for those that did and I will respond!) This week is...