Rest Day Randomness

Rest days are always tricky for me. I really feel like 90% of the time I don't know what to do with myself. I've been very busy this past week getting caught up on a lot of things and trying to get ahead all at the same time. Not sure if that is possible? I have...

4 Products I’m Loving This Friday

I will be the first to say tempo runs are no joke. My plan called for a 6 mile marathon tempo run. I had a small course mapped out (including a few hills to add variation) and I was ready to do it. I did a small 1/2 mile warm up and then got to it. I went out too fast...

Meet Our New Addition

Wes and I have a slight weak spot when it comes to animals. Ok, actually it is pretty large. If you had asked me a few months ago I would have told you that 2 cats and 1 very high energy dog was more than enough for me. You may remember a few weeks ago I talked about...

PRO Compression and My First Workout

Tuesday marked my very first workout of my new marathon training cycle. I was excited but very nervous because I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to hit the paces that the training called for. The workout was 6 x 800 meter repeats with 400 meter recovery between...

A Look Into My Marathon Plan

My marathon training plan has officially started. I've been going back and forth in trying to determine which marathon I would be aiming for. Originally I had said I was leaning towards the Greensboro, NC marathon on October 18th. This would have been a great marathon...

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