Listen and Adapt

Good morning! I hope everyones week has gotten off to a GREAT start! I feel like i've got things going on in so many different directions this week. That is a good thing though! This week I have decided to do things a little bit differently. Sunday night after Wes and...

Bloggers on the Run: Tara at A Daily Dose of Fit

This week's blogger feature is the awesome Tara from A Daily Dose of Fit.   Name: Tara Blog: When did you first start blogging and why? I started blogging in 2010. A DAILY DOSE OF FIT was a creative outlet that added to my personal...

This Moment Is Your Life

Sorry for the delay in the post yesterday. We were out of town for the day and by the time I realized that my post hadn't gone up it was almost 9:00 PM! In case you missed it, here is my weekly recap for last week.   We've been having a lot of changes going on in...

Billy Currington Concert and Weekly Recap

We are currently taking full advantage of the free time we have before my husband officially starts his residency. We know things are going to change quite a bit when that happens, so we have been trying to really focus on going out and enjoying some of the fun new...

Settle For a Slow Down

If you had asked me 7-8 months ago why I wasn't taking a rest day I would have easily told you it was because I didn't need one. You see as long as I can remember (at least since he stared running) Wes has ran almost every day. The only time I've seen him not run is...

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