Kiawah Island Marathon 2017 Goals
I know that most of you are reading this post and probably expecting a certain time goal I'm setting as I did for Kiawah 2014, Chicago, and Boston. However; I'm going to approach this one a little bit differently. You see - time goals are great. Yes, I do have a time...

Marathon Training Log: Weeks 9 and 10
Hi there! So sorry for going MIA on you (again). I took last week and really soaked in holiday with family. It was the last first holiday for Easton so it was a bit bitter sweet. In order to try and catch up I'm going to recap week's 9 and 10 of marathon training so...

Marathon Training Log: Week 8
I'm still a week behind but I'm working hard to catch up. Today lets look at week 8. We are over the halfway point and the miles are picking up by the week. My body has been responding surprisingly well and I'm feeling good, though I'm definitely having to dig deep...

My Top 5 Favorite Marathon Training Songs {Kiawah 2017}
Every week I run about half my runs without music and the other half with. I try to save music for workouts, long runs, or runs where I don't have Easton. I don't like to use music when I run with Easton so I rarely due. Occasionally if I have a stroller workout then...

Marathon Training Log: Week 7
I know I'm about a week behind on recapping my training but I promise I am working to catch up on that this week! The last time we left on week 6 I was feeling pretty good and things were starting to click for me. The good news is - even though I can say I definitely...