
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day. We were so blessed this year to spend the day with BOTH of our fathers. That hasn't happened in a very long time, and even though it meant that it is now 11:20 pm and I am just now sitting down to blog, it...

Beachin’ It and Weekly Recap

First off, Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful fathers out there! Especially mine and my father-in-law! I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend! After over 4 years, we finally both spent the weekend back at my in-laws beach house. It was so wonderful to be...

Drip Drop Hydration {and Giveaway!}

Good morning! We made it to the beach late yesterday afternoon. It is so peaceful here and I am looking forward to our short trip. I've been hearing many people (including myself) talking about their struggle with the heat and humidity lately. It is tough and does a...

3 Products I’m Loving for Our Home

Happy Friday! How did everyone's week go? I am excited that we are heading down to the beach for the weekend with my in-laws. It has been over 2 years since I have been down there and over 4 since the husband has been able to visit. It is long over due! On a...

Knowing Your Limits

Before I forget the winners of the Milestone Pod giveaway are Ariana Martinez and Carla Shiver. Congrats ladies! Email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and I will get them on the way to you!   Remember in yesterday's post when I talked about how I am...

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