8 Tips for a Home Yoga Practice {Guest Post}
As you are reading this we are all packed up and on the road to Virginia. Even though this has been a crazy ride the past 4 years, in some ways it is sad to say goodbye. We have met some amazing people here. However, we are both really excited about what is to come!...
Granola Bites {Guest Post}
I am busy packing, cleaning and getting the last few things ready for our move tomorrow. The past few days have been exhausting but I know it will all be worth it when we finally get there and starting settling in. In the mean time, I didn't want to leave you hanging...
Plan Your Running Comeback {Guest Post}
Today is going to be the craziest day so far. I have to pick up the track, drop of some last minute items before we leave, meet the movers, load up the truck and get the entire place cleaned out and ready to ship out first thing tomorrow morning. I am trying to just...
Bloggers on the Run: Annie at Love Laugh Run
Today's blogger feature is none other than the amazing Annie! Name: Annie Blog: http://www.lovelaughrun.com When did you first start blogging and why? I suffered for 13 years from bulimia. During that time, running made my health worse, not better. It went from being...
3 Tips for Creating an Effective Grocery List {Guest Post}
Hello! We had such an amazing time yesterday. I plan on sitting down and getting you a full recap ready for tomorrow, but for today I am bringing you an awesome guest post from Anna! We are off to send most of our family off and then start on the REAL packing! Going...