Quick Post-Run Strength Routine

I know as runners we often struggle with strength. Sure, we know we all need to do it but it is one of the first things that most of us let go to the wayside when things get busy. I could only be talking about myself, but regardless sometimes it's easy to let strength...

Tips for Running Easy and Primal Sport Mud Discount

I am loving getting up and getting my workout done first thing in the morning. Not only does it help start my day off right, but I always feel so much better throughout the day! Now that the time has changed it is nice and bright too when I get up. I knew rain was...

Treadmill Speed Workout and Pure LYFT

Seriously where is the time going? Yesterday  marked exactly 2 weeks until Wes' medical school graduation. Which means about 2.5 weeks until we are packing up and heading out. These next two weeks are going to be busy busy busy! This morning we headed to the gym to...

Bloggers on the Run: Lauren at The Bikini Experiment

This week for our Bloggers on the Run feature please join with me in welcome Lauren from The Bikini Experiment.  You may recognize her from her guest post on my blog several weeks ago. Name: Lauren Blog: http://www.thebikiniexperiment.com When did you first start...

Old Habits Die Hard

Yesterday morning in Pittsburgh I got up and headed to the hotel gym to get in my last workout of the week. I slept so amazingly well the night before, so I was well rested and ready to go. Does anyone else sleep really good in hotel beds? I started with a 1 mile warm...

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