3 Products I Swear By For Recovery and Giveaway!
Happy Friday! Yesterday we had the most amazing weather I have seen in a long time. It was in the low 80's which is really hot for up here this time of year, but you will never see me complaining! I will say though that my body isn't quite adjusted to running in...
The Chaos of Life and Thank You!
First off I want to start by saying THANK YOU for your amazing and sweet comments on yesterday's post. I always am a little fearful when I put myself out there like that, and even though this post was full of positive news it still was a bit nerve racking. Each and...
An Update On My Disordered Confession
I want to start this post by saying this is just me sharing my personal journey. I am not certified dietitian or doctor. I just simply am writing about my journey with an unhealthy relationship with food and how I have repaired it. If you have any questions about...
How to Prepare for a Workout
The winner of the Mama Chia giveaway is Colette Reilly! Congrats Colette. Email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get your prizes on their way to you! Mondays are always workout days in our house. Always have been. Wes and I don't always do...
Bloggers on the Run: Casey at The Runner’s Resource
I am excited to bring you all another awesome blogger in my Monday Bloggers on the Run feature this week. This week Casey is visiting us from The Runner's Resource. Name: Casey Blog: http://www.runnersresource.com When did you first start blogging...