My 10k Plan and Weekly Recap
The winner of the Crazy Compression giveaway is Lynne Nelson! Congrats! Email me at saralovingontherun{at}gmail{dot}com and we will get your socks of choice on their way to you! I haven't had a week like this in a long time. To be honest, maybe it's a good...
A Vega Bar for Any Time of Day
If you have been reading my blog for a while, you may remember back a long time ago when I did a review of Vega One. I was recently given the opportunity to review Vega's new line of bars (#VegaBars) due to my ambassadorship with #SweatPink. I was really excited...
5 Things On My Mind Lately
Last night as I was getting ready to work on today's post I was out of ideas. I didn't have anything in particular come to mind that I wanted to talk about so instead I just decided I would talk about what is on my mind lately. My thoughts are kind of all over the...
My Plan to Dream Big and Stay Healthy
I am slowly feeling like things are getting back to normal after traveling. Does anyone else feel completely out of whack even after only being gone for a long weekend? This weekend really inspired me. Of course, I was motivated pre-Boston but the race gave me...
Boston Marathon 2014 Race Recap and Experience
I promise this will be the final Boston Marathon blog post. We are finally back in town and trying to get things back to normal. Boston starts later than most. The first wave for runners begins at 10:00 am. This allowed us to sleep a little bit later. We woke...