Running and On The Go Protection
“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and U by Kotex but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #UbyKotex” I've mentioned a couple times on the blog just how crazy some of my weeks can...
Bloggers on the Run: Denise from Healthy Disney Family
This week on the Bloggers on the Run feature I am excited to introduce you to Denise from Healthy Disney Family! Name: Denise Laird Blog: When did you first start blogging and why? I started my blog Healthy Disney Family earlier this...
Stop Talking and Make it Happen
Happy Monday. I'm a little bummed because after two beautiful days here they are now calling for snow tomorrow. Oh winter why won't you just go away?! I did get in a pretty great 8 mile run yesterday. I slept a little later than I had planned so I pretty much...
Japanese Chicken and Yakisoba Noodles
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Millennial Central for Kirin. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. I have an insanely delicious recipe to share with you all today....
Sunday Sharing and Weekly Recap
The count down to Boston for Wes is finally on! He did his last "long" run yesterday and now will begin his taper. He has always only done a 1 week taper, and since he needed a little extra time for this one due to his injury he will start tomorrow. Not sure what my...