Easy Budget Friendly Saturday Date Nights
Saturday. Oh, I love Saturday. I will really love when it hits 5:00 pm on Saturday. Even though I end up working a lot on weekends, there is something about Saturday night that is still very very special to me. I think the main reason is because it is always our date...
New Songs to Motivate You Into the Weekend
Happy Friday! I wish I could say I was off this weekend but I work all day today and tomorrow. That's okay though I plan to take full advantage of our nice weather on Sunday to get in a "long" run. I am also exited for two full days off from running. I usually hate...
Bikini Food Shopping on an Itty Bitty Budget {Guest Post}
Hi Loving on the Run readers! My name is Lauren and I’m the blogger behind The Bikini Experiment. My blog features healthy recipes, workouts and glimpses into my daily life. I have been a longtime reader of healthy living blogs and decided it was time to start my own...
Wednesday Workout and Liebster Award
If you haven't already don't forget to enter my Tinke Giveaway! This is your last day. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes yesterday! It reminded me just how blessed I am. Wednesday meant another workout day for me. I decided to take it a little...
Boston Marathon Blogger/Reader Meet Up
I mentioned this in my last post, but I wanted to throw it out there to get an idea of who would be interested. As you all know I will be traveling to Boston for Wes to run the Boston Marathon next weekend. We are really excited and I look forward to cheering...