5 Tips for Creating Your Marathon Training Plan
I'm one week out from beginning my next marathon training cycle. Some days I'm super excited and some days I'm nervous. I think that's pretty normal right? Over the years I've come up with my training plan in a variety of ways: used free training plans online, paid...

How to Mentally Prepare for Marathon Training
In just 2 short weeks I will be starting a new marathon training cycle. Of course, this isn't my first rodeo as I've done this several times in the past but this time I'm going into it with a new mindset and focus. In many ways I think my change of mindset is due to...

11 of My Favorite Stroller Running Tips and Tricks
If you are a Mom and a runner chances are you will at some point run with a stroller. Don't worry! It's not as awful as it is sometimes made out to be. I realized pretty early on in Easton's life that I would have to run with the stroller quite a lot. During the first...

Mental Toughness, Heat, and Marathon Build Up {Weekly Recap}
You know what I love most about running? That it's not always easy. That every day that you get out there you learn something about yourself. That even on the easy days your body is challenged! I could write an entire different post on the reasons I love to run, so we...

How Effort Based Training Has Transformed My Running
One of the biggest running game changers for me postpartum has been effort based running. I've read about it all over the place over the years, but I always went back to my paced-obsessed, sometimes stressed out way of training. Don't get me wrong - there is a time...