Two Weeks of Off Season Running {Training Recap}
It's been two weeks since I have updated you all on my training! Sorry about that! Now that life is starting to go back to normal (somewhat) I thought I'd do a quick recap to let you see how things have been going. Two weeks ago was a bit crazy with the move. Instead...

How to Maintain Running Fitness Between Training Cycles
Thanks for being patient with me over the last week. I think we are finally coming out from under the fog of moving and while I'm sure we will still have boxes laying around for a few more weeks I can finally say that our home is getting more and more livable by the...

Building Back Running Strength {Weekly Training Recap}
Isn't it great when things running begins to click again? I knew going into these three weeks that running would be a bit out of whack. Packing up a house and moving is stressful so I made it a goal to simply go into each run the best I can and fit in workouts as my...

5 Ways to Keep Running a Priority with a Baby {North States GIVEAWAY}
This post is sponsored by North States Industries. I was compensated for my work. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Before I had Easton I had no idea the trials of fitting in running with a baby. I say “trials” loosely because I absolutely love every second of it....

Milestone Pod: The Little Pod With Big Information
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know my love for the Milestone Pod. I was recently given the opportunity to a part of their Saucony Pod Team and I jumped at the opportunity. You see at first I didn't know if I would get that much benefit out of the pod....